
2 million iPads in 59 days

2 million iPads in 59 days

Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2010年06月02日
Apple is selling its tablet computer at the blistering rate of one every 2.5 seconds

????Apple (AAPL) is moving iPads as fast it can make them.

????It took the company 28 days to sell its first million iPads, despite stockouts in nearly every Apple Store in the U.S.

????On Monday -- three days after it began selling the device in nine countries outside the U.S. -- Apple announced that it had sold its second million iPads in the space of 31 days.

????That's 2 million iPads in 59 days, or nearly 24 iPads per minute. And once again, the device's sales seem to be constrained only by its supply. There were long lines in stores from Sydney to Vancouver when the iPad went on sale Friday, and many outlets ran out before the weekend was over.

????"Customers around the world are experiencing the magic of iPad, and seem to be loving it as much as we do," said Steve Jobs in a prepared statement. "We appreciate their patience, and are working hard to build enough iPads for everyone."

????Apple has announced that the iPad will be available in nine more countries in July and additional countries later this year.

????If it can keep up with demand.

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