
Apple.com store is down. New Macs due

Apple.com store is down. New Macs due

Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2010年07月29日
Shortages of iMacs and Mac Pros signaled long overdue product updates

????[UPDATE: Apple, as expected, released new iMacs and Mac Pros Tuesday. The iMacs start at $1,199. The Pros start at $2,499 and can be configured with up to 12 processing cores. Press releases, with specs, here and here.

????There's also a new $999 27-inch Cinema Display (specs) and a $69 wireless multi-touch trackpad accessory for desktop Macs.

????Last -- and least -- a $29 battery charger Apple claims has 10-times less "vampire draw" than the industry average. No press release, but you can buy it here.]

????The Post-it tag yellow "We'll be back soon" sign appeared on Apple.com Tuesday morning, suggesting that the weekend rumors were true: Apple (AAPL) was about to refresh its desktop Mac line.

????Most likely to arrive: the iMac and the Mac Pro, which haven't been updated for 280 and 511 days, respectively, according to MacRumor's handy Mac Buyer's Guide.

????Also long overdue for a refresh: the MacBook Air (414 days) and the Apple Cinema Display (651).


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