
Apple kills Steve Jobs doll

Apple kills Steve Jobs doll

Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2010年12月02日

????Chinese manufacturer discontinues popular $79 toy after being threatened with legal action

Image: M.I.C Gadget

????We were determined not to write a word about the SJ Action Figure, the Steve Jobs look-alike doll that got so much free publicity earlier this week. But now Apple's (AAPL) legal department has turned it into a news story.

????M.I.C Gadget, the toy's Chinese manufacturer, announced Tuesday that it had discontinued the product after selling out its first batch of 300. From its website:

????A few hours ago, we have just received an email from a law firm representing Apple.Inc. Apple has informed us that this phenomenal SJ action figure, has not consented to the use of Apple's copyrights and trademarks, therefore they request us immediately to cease the marketing and sale of this figure. Here's what the email has told us:

????"Unauthorized use of a person's name and/or likeness constitutes a violation of California Civil Code Section 3344, which prohibits the use of any person's name, photograph or likeness in a product without that person's prior consent…" bla bla bla…

????So, all Apple fanboys, you are not going to get this phenomenal figure anymore. M.I.C gadget hereby apologizes to Steve Jobs, Apple.Inc, and their law firm for any inconvenience caused. For those of you who have successfully ordered this collection item, we will contact you.

????With any luck, that's the last we'll hear about it.

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