


Colin Barr 2011-06-23


????保爾森旗下基金本周提交文件稱,已沽清過去3年多購入的嘉漢林業(yè)股票(Sino-Forest),產(chǎn)生損失估計7億美元。嘉漢林業(yè)今年以來股價已暴跌91%,下跌主要出現(xiàn)在沽空者市場研究公司Muddy Waters Research的卡森?布勞克發(fā)布報告稱其存在賬目造假行為之后。

????保爾森接受彭博社(Bloomberg)采訪時稱,他沽清該股是“因為嘉漢林業(yè)的公開披露和財務(wù)報表存在不確定性?!奔螡h林業(yè)已經(jīng)指定了一個獨立委員會對Muddy Waters的指控進(jìn)行調(diào)查,但該公司對事實缺乏嚴(yán)謹(jǐn)?shù)膽B(tài)度,這一點目前看來已經(jīng)沒有什么疑問。



????比如,周二就有跳梁小丑發(fā)布了一份虛假的新聞稿,稱美國證券交易委員會(Securities and Exchange Commission)已經(jīng)起訴布勞克和Muddy Waters,理由是他們操縱了嘉漢林業(yè)、多元環(huán)球水務(wù)(Duoyuan Water)和東方紙業(yè)(Orient Paper)的股價。

????這篇新聞稿顯然是個惡作劇,通篇充斥著毫無事實根據(jù)的指控以及拙劣的語法和拼寫錯誤。盡管如此,基金專業(yè)博客Zero Hedge仍然選登了這篇稿件,大肆宣揚稱在“共產(chǎn)主義美國”,證券監(jiān)管部門起訴的是曝光造假的人,而不是造假者。對沖基金度日艱難。

????美國證券交易委員會拒絕置評,發(fā)布這一稿件的Briefing Wire網(wǎng)站也沒有回復(fù)尋求置評的電子郵件。常駐香港的布勞克發(fā)表個人聲明稱,Briefing Wire網(wǎng)站已經(jīng)“同意撤除誹謗性的報道。”


????Paulson's fund filed this week to say it sold all the shares of Sino-Forest (SNOFF) it has bought over the past three-plus years, booking a loss estimated at $700 million. The stock has plunged 91% this year, mostly after a short-seller, Carson Block of Muddy Waters Research, published a report contending the company's books were cooked.

????Paulson told Bloomberg he sold the stock "due to the uncertainty over Sino-Forest's public disclosures and financial statements." The company has appointed an independent commission to check the Muddy Waters claims, though there seems to be little doubt that the company has been playing fast and loose with the facts.

????The loss is a black eye for Paulson, who made billions betting against the housing market during the bubble but has since had mixed results. His funds have been losing money as his wager on a U.S. recovery, via bank stocks, has gone into the red.

????But many others have lost money in the Chinese reverse merger stocks that have been exposed as frauds this year, and you get the idea that some of them aren't taking those losses as maturely as Paulson seems to be.

????For instance, some wag on Tuesday published a fake press release purporting to announce a Securities and Exchange Commission lawsuit against Block and Muddy Waters, claiming they manipulated the shares of Sino-Forest, Duoyuan Water (DGW) and Orient Paper (ONP).

????The release was obviously a hoax, full of unsubstantiated claims and amateurish grammar and punctuation errors. But that didn't stop it from getting picked up on the Zero Hedge blog, which naturally ran with the idea that in "Communist Amerika" the securities regulators sue the guy who exposes the fraud, not the actual fraudster. Life is hard at the hedge funds.

????The SEC declined to comment and BriefingWire didn't return an email seeking comment. Block, who lives in Hong Kong, issued his own statement saying Briefing Wire had "agreed to remove the libelous submission."

????Though the hoax obviously getting some attention, it didn't succeed in the way you might assume its authors intended, by causing the mentioned stocks to rise (and presumably saddle Block with losses): Orient Paper shares fell 1% in early trading and Sino-Forest tumbled 21%.

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