


Dan Mitchell 2011-06-24


????FatWire是一家“客戶體驗管理公司”,業(yè)務(wù)是幫助其它公司更好地構(gòu)建在線服務(wù),產(chǎn)品包括內(nèi)容管理、社區(qū)論壇、移動平臺和“喜好”服務(wù)(the like)??萍季W(wǎng)站讀寫網(wǎng)(ReadWriteWeb)撰文稱,甲骨文此舉“意在強化其在面向客戶的網(wǎng)絡(luò)體驗領(lǐng)域的投資,因為公司網(wǎng)站正在不斷取代電話,成為公司間相互聯(lián)系的最重要手段。”讀寫網(wǎng)同時還推測甲骨文收購FatWire是為了回應(yīng)奧多比(Adobe)此前的類似收購,后者在去年收購了企業(yè)內(nèi)容管理解決方案供應(yīng)商Day Software。





????Oracle's (ORCL) acquisition of FatWire is all about the company putting itself in front of end customers. That is, it's more or less a retail play.

????FatWire is a "customer experience management company," which means that it helps businesses make their online services work better. Its products include content management, community forums, mobile platforms and the like. ReadWriteWeb says Oracle is "deepening its investments in the world of customer-facing Web experiences as company Web sites move towards replacing the telephone as the most important means of contact with a company." That site also speculates that Oracle is buying FatWire in response to similar moves by Adobe (ADBE), which acquired Day Software last year.

????Oracle's last acquisition was of e-commerce company ATG.

????Oracle says that with FatWire it will help companies "drive customer retention and loyalty through improved online engagement – across Web, mobile and social channels." (Though ReadWriteWeb notes that FatWire is weak on social media.)

????Look for Oracle to integrate FatWire into its Oracle Customer Relationship Management suite of products. It's not clear whether Oracle really wanted FatWire's tech, or if they're more interested in "acqhiring" the FatWire team -- a trend among startups, most prominently Facebook, who have been purchasing smaller firms in order to retain their engineering talent. FatWire has been in the news before, as last year EMC (EMC) was rumored to be interested in picking the company up, a deal that never happened. Instead, they signed an agreement to partner up on some projects, and it's unclear how Oracle's acquisition of FatWire might affect that. Terms of the acquisition were not disclosed.


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