


Sheridan Prasso 2011-07-28
萬豪酒店(Marriott Hotels)終于調(diào)整至最佳狀態(tài)。


????萬豪酒店(Marriott Hotels)終于調(diào)整至最佳狀態(tài)。該連鎖酒店由前摩門教傳教士創(chuàng)立,現(xiàn)在仍由其79歲的兒子比爾?馬瑞特(首席執(zhí)行官)執(zhí)掌。多年來,酒店一直秉承堅(jiān)實(shí)可靠的企業(yè)信譽(yù)(如果不是因循守舊的話),如今開始入主時尚的精品酒店市場,以吸引年輕、新潮的顧客。

????萬豪(MAR,財富500強(qiáng))聯(lián)袂酒店業(yè)者伊恩?施拉格推出全新時尚連鎖酒店品牌EDITION——直接瞄準(zhǔn)當(dāng)前喜達(dá)屋酒店集團(tuán)旗下W酒店占主要地位的細(xì)分市場。五月份,EDITION酒店正式亮相伊斯坦布爾商業(yè)區(qū),W酒店也是在這個東西方交匯的城市開始了其歐洲攻勢。隨后幾家EDITION酒店預(yù)計(jì)將于明年推出,并且超出當(dāng)前W酒店所在的范圍:巴塞羅那、墨西哥城、南海灘以及倫敦——W酒店于二月份在倫敦萊斯特廣場(Leicester Square)正式開業(yè)。

????“這意味著我們能夠進(jìn)軍至今還未觸及的市場,”總經(jīng)理斯達(dá)特?內(nèi)姆里在伊斯坦布爾EDITION酒店告訴筆者, 酒店大堂里充滿了紅茶的香味。電梯中的馬賽克地板、圓頂天花板大廳以及客房中懸掛的銅燈造型優(yōu)美,用現(xiàn)代手法完美詮釋了拜占庭風(fēng)格?!拔覀兿M脽ㄈ灰恍碌拿婷渤尸F(xiàn)一個全的新品牌,這既是挑戰(zhàn),又是機(jī)遇,”他說。



????首家EDITION酒店去年秋天登陸夏威夷威基基海灘,但這一嘗試并不成功。五月份,威基基EDITION酒店的所有者和開發(fā)商起訴萬豪和施拉格,稱他們必須對“酒店極低的入住率和房費(fèi)”負(fù)責(zé)。(酒店為特許經(jīng)營。)訴訟中稱酒店每日房價為220美元,入住率不及30%。(伊斯坦布爾EDITION酒店的每日房價為425美元至600美元。)施拉格在一份聲明中稱該訴訟“無聊可笑”,并將越來越不景氣的旅游歸咎于重要市場日本的萎縮——該國在今年年初遭遇地震和海嘯的襲擊。他還提到威基基EDITION酒店開業(yè)時獲得的熱烈反響,其中包括《旅游與休閑》雜志(Travel + Leisure)的評論。



????伊斯坦布爾W酒店的入住率依然很高,不像EDITION酒店那樣低調(diào)的布置,W酒店傾向于奧斯曼帝國式的富麗堂皇。喜達(dá)屋酒店首席執(zhí)行官Frits van Paasschen說:“我們已經(jīng)占領(lǐng)先機(jī)?!痹诮谂c《財富》雜志(Fortune)編輯的交談中,他表示W(wǎng)酒店擁有強(qiáng)大的擁躉并歡迎競爭:“這正是資本主義美好的一面。”

????Marriott Hotels is finally getting its groove on. After years of riding a solid-if-not-stodgy corporate reputation, the chain founded by a former Mormon missionary and still run by his 79-year-old CEO son, Bill Marriott, is going after the chic boutique hotel market in an attempt to lure younger, hipper customers.

????Marriott (MAR, Fortune 500) has linked with hot hotelier Ian Schrager to launch a new chain called EDITION hotels -- aiming squarely at the segment currently dominated by W Hotels owned by Starwood. In May, an EDITION hotel officially debuted in its first corporate location in a business district of Istanbul, the East-meets-West city where W launched its European push. The next several EDITIONs are scheduled to launch next year and beyond in locales where W Hotels are present: Barcelona, Mexico City, South Beach, and London -- where a W opened in Leicester Square in February.

????"It means being able to tap into a market that we weren't present in until now," says Sedat Nemli, general manager at the Istanbul EDITION, where the lobby and amenities are scented of black tea. Mosaic tile floors in the elevator bank, domed ceiling lobby, and hanging bronze lamps in the rooms evoke a sleek, modernist interpretation of Byzantium. "We have a challenge and opportunity to present a new brand in a new setting," he says.

????In order to keep growth moving forward, Marriott has been keen to lure a younger clientele and to make up for the losses it took during the recession when business travelers turned away from the high-end Ritz-Carlton chain, which it also owns. Marriott's stock price remains roughly 35% below its 2007 peak, though it has largely recovered from its depths in early 2009.

Marriott: Best Companies to Work For

????A first EDITION hotel had opened on Waikiki Beach in Hawaii last fall, but that foray isn't going so well. The Waikiki EDITION's owner and developer filed a lawsuit against Marriott and Schrager in late May alleging that they were to blame for "outrageously low occupancy levels and average daily room rates." (The hotels are franchise operations.) The suit said that occupancy was less than 30% with average daily room rates of $220. (Rooms at the Istanbul EDITION start at $425 to $600.) Schrager, in a statement, called the suit "frivolous" and blamed decreased tourism from the important market of Japan, which was hit by an earthquake and tsunami earlier this year. He also pointed to glowing design reviews the Waikiki EDITION received when it opened, including one in Travel + Leisure magazine.

????It's too early to tell how the EDITION in Istanbul is doing, but initial traveler reviews on TripAdvisor have raved about the chic décor, attentive service, and ESPA spa. Interest is high among Istanbul locals as well, in part because the hotel took over and restored a famous site -- the former HSBC bank headquarters in Turkey, which was heavily damaged by a suicide bomber in 2003. Three bank employees were killed, and Al-Qaeda claimed responsibility.

????But all that is ancient history now. The opening ceremony of the EDITION Istanbul, attended by Turkish celebrities and government officials, came on May 2, the day after the surprise announcement that U.S. Navy Seals had killed Osama bin Laden.

????At the W Istanbul, meanwhile, occupancy remains high, and instead of the understated tones at the EDITION, the décor trends toward the Ottoman opulent. "We have been able to get the first-mover advantage," says Starwood CEO Frits van Paasschen, who noted in a recent conversation with Fortune editors that W Hotels have such a strong following that the competition is welcome: "That's the beauty of capitalism."

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