


Shelley Dubois 2011-08-03



????杜蘭大學(xué)(Tulane University)建筑學(xué)院的院長(zhǎng)肯尼思?施瓦茲表示,新奧爾良可以說是一個(gè)“三位一體”的城市?!叭灰惑w”是指三個(gè)特征——美食、好聽的音樂和偉大建筑——即新奧爾良的三張名片。


????施瓦茲促成了杜蘭大學(xué)與國(guó)際商務(wù)機(jī)器公司(IBM)的合作,為大學(xué)的百年建筑理查德森紀(jì)念館(Richardson Memorial Hall)重新鋪設(shè)電線,并利用最先進(jìn)的技術(shù)來監(jiān)測(cè)建筑的光、電和能源使用情況。作為建筑專業(yè)學(xué)生的實(shí)體研究設(shè)施,該紀(jì)念館使學(xué)生們能夠利用系統(tǒng)產(chǎn)生的數(shù)據(jù),更好地了解傳統(tǒng)建筑中能源的使用情況。理查德森紀(jì)念館將被認(rèn)證為L(zhǎng)EED鉑金獎(jiǎng),這是能效建筑的最高獎(jiǎng)項(xiàng)。




Rebuilding a greener Big Easy

Location: New Orleans, La.

????New Orleans has something of a holy trinity, says Kenneth Schwartz, dean of Tulane University's architecture school. He's referring to the three attributes -- great food, great music, and great architecture -- that make up the fundamentals of the city's identity.

????Schwartz wants to use architecture as a jumping-off point to launch green initiatives, using Tulane's buildings as an example for the rest of the city. While New Orleans isn't a particularly red city, it has struggled to get the resources needed to rebuild post Katrina.

????Schwartz helped seal a partnership between Tulane and IBM that will rewire a century-old building on campus, Richardson Memorial Hall, with cutting-edge technology that can monitor the building's lighting, power, and energy usage. The building will function as a living research facility for architecture students who can use the data generated to learn about energy in old buildings. It's also going to be certified as LEED Platinum, the highest standard of energy efficiency.

????The platinum certification, Schwartz says, will be "more than just a plaque on the wall. We're hoping to demonstrate how a historic building can operate as 21st century architecture."

????That's a goal that, in Louisiana, isn't split by party lines, Schwartz says. "The public knows and loves the place where they live," and can therefore get behind retrofitting existing buildings -- keeping the building's integrity intact while cutting energy costs.

????Schwartz intends to spread this message even further by offering a master's degree in sustainable real estate development at Tulane.

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