


Beth Kowitt 2011-08-26





????斯金納對(duì)麥當(dāng)勞的忠誠(chéng)為他贏得了良好的聲譽(yù)。他總是默默完成自己份內(nèi)的工作,從不炫耀。丹尼斯?埃內(nèi)坎在2010年之前一直擔(dān)任麥當(dāng)勞的歐洲業(yè)務(wù)總裁,他說,將來,麥當(dāng)勞的首席執(zhí)行官肯定會(huì)得到“Jim Skipsdinner”的綽號(hào),因?yàn)樗偸窍矚g工作結(jié)束后,一個(gè)人在酒店安靜就餐,而不是為了拋頭露面去參加正式的宴會(huì)。埃內(nèi)坎現(xiàn)任法國(guó)雅高集團(tuán)(Accor)CEO,他表示:“即便沒有必要,有些人也會(huì)自以為是,認(rèn)為自己必須露面。但吉姆卻截然不同?!痹诠救温毜膸孜桓吖苊枋?,斯金納對(duì)于故弄玄虛的官僚主義作風(fēng)痛恨不已,還有人稱他就像有一臺(tái)“精確的廢話檢測(cè)儀”。(但這并不意味著他缺乏幽默感。實(shí)際上,他非常風(fēng)趣。他說自己最喜歡的電視劇之一就是《好漢兩個(gè)半》(Two and a Half Men),而且打算聯(lián)系劇組,就如何在這部情景喜劇中加入艾什頓?庫奇的戲份談?wù)勛约旱南敕?。?/p>

????But Skinner's leadership has been utterly self-assured -- it is as though the walk-on had been quietly practicing for his big shot all along. Employees and analysts say he's guided by a zeal for satisfying customers, even if it comes at the expense of his own ideas and preferences. A few years ago the company did extensive testing on new coffee-cup lids and rolled out a version that consumers liked -- and that Skinner, who happens to drink a lot of coffee, really didn't. Rather than overrule the masses, Skinner came up with his own solution: He keeps a stash of the old lids on hand.

????From the kitchen up

????If Skinner seems as though he knows his way around a McDonald's kitchen, it is because he once worked in one, as did 40% of the company's executives. (Amazon (AMZN) CEO Jeff Bezos and Top Chef Richard Blais did too.) At age 16 he got a job at McDonald's in Davenport. "I was in a family where, if I wanted to have any spending money, I had to work," says Skinner, whose father was a bricklayer. It was 1962 and employees still peeled, blanched, and sliced potatoes for French fries.

????After six months behind the counter, he left Iowa behind for the Navy, serving on the aircraft carriers Midway and Oriskany. (He briefly overlapped with Oriskany veteran John McCain.) The hallmarks that came with spending nearly a decade in a highly disciplined, execution-driven environment became classic Skinner. He met his future wife, Kathleen, during his last year in the service -- they're still married 42 years later -- and decided it was time to settle down. He landed at McDonald's as a restaurant manager trainee after a Navy buddy encouraged him to apply.

????Skinner earned a reputation as a loyal McDonald's man, one who always did his homework but never felt the need to show it off. Denis Hennequin, who until 2010 served as the company's head of Europe, says the future McDonald's chief would eventually earn the nickname "Jim Skipsdinner" for his preference for having a quiet bite in the hotel once business was finished rather than attend an official meal for the sake of appearances. "Some people have an ego that makes them need to be seen even if it's not necessary," says Hennequin, now CEO of hotel operator Accor. "Jim is not like that." Several former executives described Skinner as having no tolerance for bureaucratic double talk, one noting that he has a "good crap detector." (None of this is to say he's humorless. In fact, he's rather funny. Ask him about one of his favorite shows, Two and a Half Men, and he'll offer his thoughts on how he would write Ashton Kutcher into the sitcom.)

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