


JP Mangalindan, Jessica Shambore 2011-09-05


????誰才是最優(yōu)秀的人?要回答這個問題絕非易事。因為很多人都擁有高智商,富有創(chuàng)新思維,精通管理之道,擁有神奇的力量,永遠能夠按時完成項目?!敦敻弧罚‵ortune)雜志2011年度科技界最優(yōu)秀人物(the smartest people in tech)評選遴選了在科技界最熱門領(lǐng)域工作、具備上述所有特質(zhì)的優(yōu)秀人物。當(dāng)然,他們的優(yōu)秀品質(zhì)遠遠不止這些。他們不但理所當(dāng)然的是創(chuàng)新家,而且還深知如何成功地把優(yōu)秀的點子付諸商業(yè)實踐。

????There's no easy way to answer that question: Plenty of people have high IQs, creative ideas, management savvy, and an uncanny ability to always be working on timely projects. For our annual look at the smartest people in tech, Fortune scoped out individuals who have all those qualities -- and more -- working in tech's hottest areas. They are innovators, to be sure, but they also know how to turn a great idea into a great business.






Security: John Hering
Founder and CEO

????John Hering was a self-described preteen computer hacker, and he holds the world record for extending the range of a Bluetooth-enabled device from a distance (he was 1.2 miles away). All of which makes him the perfect guy to help consumers and businesses secure their mobile phones from viruses, spyware, and other malfeasance.

????Hering's company, Lookout, offers a downloadable app for your cellphone or tablet that, in turn, tells you which of your apps are tapping private data on your phone (contacts, text messages, etc.). Lookout's technology resides in the cloud, and it tracks threats in real time to determine if an app or website is safe for you to access. Today the company has about 10 million users, putting it ahead of traditional data-security companies like Symantec and McAfee, whose mobile security apps have been downloaded hundreds of thousands of times.

????Another reason for Lookout's headstart? Hering, 28, built Lookout specifically for the mobile world (he's been looking at wireless security since 2003, long before the smartphone explosion), while many of his rivals come from the PC world, a completely different animal.

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