
評委的選擇 ????“年度汽車大獎”投票要到2012年初才舉行,現(xiàn)在就開始猜哪個品牌和車型將奪得大獎是不是為時過早? ????當(dāng)然不是。畢竟,今年奧斯卡獎剛落幕那一瞬間,有關(guān)明年誰會獲獎的傳言就流傳開了。為什么汽車界的大獎就應(yīng)該有所不同呢? ????遴選年度最重要的汽車絕非毫無意義。設(shè)計者和工程師為汽車嘔心瀝血,這種評選能證明他們的能力,為他們的工作履歷增光添彩。而對營銷人員來說,大獎能為他們提供極具價值的第三方認(rèn)可,它能有效地用于薦證廣告(advertising testimonials,源自美國聯(lián)邦交易委員會制定的《薦證廣告行為指引》(Guides Concerning Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising——譯注)。而對汽車業(yè)而言,大獎能提高行業(yè)的影響力,在車展處于低潮的秋末初冬時期帶來潛在的銷售增長。 ????最引人矚目的兩項大獎是:“汽車趨勢”大獎(Motor Trend's),由《汽車趨勢》雜志(Motor Trend)編輯評選的;“北美年度汽車”大獎(North American Car of the Year (NACOTY)),由50位記者(包括筆者在內(nèi))組成的評委會評選。本文列出了一些得票最高的候選車型,并附上了筆者預(yù)測的的勝出幾率。 |
Picks from the oddsmaker???? ????Is it too soon to start speculating about which brand and model will take home car of the year honors when the votes are counted early in 2012? ????Heck no. After all, buzz about next year's Academy Award winners starts within microseconds after the ceremony for the current year concludes. Why should cars be any different? ????Selecting the most important auto for a given calendar year no empty exercise. For the designers and engineers who worked on the car, it brings a resume-enhancing validation of their skills. For marketers, the award provides a high-value third-party endorsement that can be used effectively in advertising testimonials. And for the industry, it generates publicity and a potential sales lift in the late fall and early winter when showroom activity is slow. ????The two most prominent awards are Motor Trend's, chosen by the magazine's editors, and North American Car of the Year (NACOTY), selected by a panel of 50 journalists (including me). Here are some of the top candidates and my guesses about their odds for winning the big prize. |

奧迪汽車A6/A7 ????在棒球比賽中,“最具價值球員大獎”通常都會授予冠軍球隊的球員?!澳甓绕嚧螵劇钡耐镀比艘蚕矚g選出一位贏家。奧迪(Audi)憑借推出一系列新車型,銷售收入一直節(jié)節(jié)攀高。奧迪A7以其極具創(chuàng)意的掀背式設(shè)計,獲得了最多青睞。 ????勝出幾率:A7 5-2; A6 7-1 |
Audi A6/A7 ????In baseball, the Most Valuable Player award generally goes to a player on a pennant-contending team. Car of the Year voters like to go with a winner too. Audi has been rolling up sales gains with impressive new model launches. The A7 is the favorite here for its innovative hatchback design.????? ?? Odds: A7 5-2; A6 7-1 |