


Duff McDonald 2011-11-01





????“魔鬼顯然存在于細(xì)節(jié),”標(biāo)準(zhǔn)人壽投資(Standard Life Investments)全球戰(zhàn)略主管安德魯?米利甘稱,“一方面,大多數(shù)發(fā)行公司債的企業(yè)也可以在其他任何市場(chǎng)進(jìn)行融資。沃爾瑪(Wal-Mart)可以籌集英鎊或日元資產(chǎn),然后將其換成美元;另一方面,如果新規(guī)則確實(shí)有影響投行充當(dāng)做市商積極性的效果——這似乎正是新規(guī)制定者的意圖,那我們就損失了一個(gè)沖擊緩沖器。監(jiān)管者希望減少‘大’波動(dòng)——比如2008年那種——其代價(jià)卻是短期內(nèi)市場(chǎng)波動(dòng)可能加劇。我們只是在長(zhǎng)期波動(dòng)和短期波動(dòng)之間做選擇題。”

????有些人則認(rèn)為,欣茨只不過(guò)是在大敲警鐘——沃爾克規(guī)則將禁止所謂的“流交易”(flow trading)——而這根本就是危言聳聽?!爸灰惶岢鲂碌谋O(jiān)管政策,金融行業(yè)就會(huì)大聲疾呼,宣稱將會(huì)帶來(lái)一場(chǎng)衰退,它們哪次不是這樣?”經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)家西蒙?約翰遜向《華爾街日?qǐng)?bào)》(The Wall Street Journal)表示。



????Because fixed income uses about 60% of the capital committed to Wall Street capital markets activities, Hintz concludes that the decline in revenues and margins will challenge firms to even earn their cost of capital. "The changes then necessary will be expense reductions and balance sheet shrinkage," he says. "And with 50% of net trading revenues being paid out in compensation, we know which expense line will be cut!" Even so, he argues, that won't be enough. What will? A reduction in "inventory" of 20% to 25%, the result of which will be a less liquid U.S. corporate bond market, wider bid-offer spreads for corporate borrowers, and a migration of issuance to offshore markets not crimped by overzealous regulators.

????In other words, it's bad news for all of us. Actually…not quite all of us. Hintz points out that the U.S. government "conveniently exempted" Treasury bonds from the ban of proprietary trading in the new proposed rules. And why not? When you're the one making the rules, you don't normally screw yourself in the process.

????But don't believe all the doomsaying. Most companies in need of financing can just tap another market. Couldn't the bank loan market pick up the slack? Or lending by hedge funds? Or even equity issuance? "Sure, the analogy of a balloon being squeezed comes to mind," says Hintz. "But not every player in the capital markets is equally good in every market. So the overall cost of financing could be driven up. And that could hurt economic growth."

????Like many things in the capital markets, the argument put forth by Hintz and Dimon makes sense, at least on paper. The more liquid a market, after all, the more smoothly it should function. But what about in practice?

????"The Devil is obviously in the details," says Andrew Milligan, Head of Global Strategy for Standard Life Investments. "On the one hand, the majority of companies issuing corporate debt could do it in any market they want to. Wal-Mart can raise money in sterling or yen, and then swap it back into dollars. On the other hand, if the rules do have what appears to be the desired effect of discouraging investment banks from being market makers, then we lose a shock absorber. Regulators are looking to reduce 'big' volatility—like that of 2008—at the expense of what might be increased volatility in the short-term. We're trading long-term volatility for higher short-term volatility."

????There are others who think Hintz is merely sounding an alarm—that the Volcker Rule will prevent so-called "flow trading"—that has no business being sounded at all. "When is [the] last time the financial industry didn't see a regulation that they [said] was going to cause a recession?" economist Simon Johnson asked The Wall Street Journal.

????If you accept Hintz's first premise, then his numbers might make sense. If you don't, then his catastrophic conclusions are irrelevant. Could constraining the behavior of dealers in the short-term have a negative impact on financial markets and therefore financing costs? Sure, it could. But reform isn't free, and it's not the end of the world. Even Brad Hintz knows that.

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