


Leah McGrath Goodman 2011-11-29


????當然,這次處于漩渦中心的是明富環(huán)球金融集團(MF Global)。美國券商明富環(huán)球金融集團的歷史可以追溯到18世紀,是一家深受信賴的金融機構(gòu),如今卻申請破產(chǎn),同時涉嫌挪用高達6億美元的客戶資金。



????公眾感到憤怒,同時認為如果他們自己不采取措施,那么沒有人會為他們著想——幾周來,投資者不斷收集信息,團結(jié)起來保護自己的權(quán)益。其中最引人矚目的團體是商品客戶聯(lián)盟(Commodity Customer Coalition),臺風(fēng)資本管理公司(Typhon Capital Management)首席執(zhí)行官詹姆斯?庫圖拉斯代表明富環(huán)球金融集團的幾千位前客戶領(lǐng)導(dǎo)這個聯(lián)盟。交易員們也卷了進來,其中有亞伯拉罕投資管理公司(Abraham Investment Management)的安德魯?亞伯拉罕。他撰寫了大量文章,披露投資者的權(quán)益遭到忽視,只有部分資金獲得返還。他認為這種方式并不公平,華盛頓的政府官員應(yīng)該受到指責(zé)。


????Big institutional investors are getting a taste of what many frustrated taxpayers experienced during the financial crisis: Being on the hook for losses of a major financial firm against their wishes.

????This time, of course, it's MF Global at the center of the dispute. A once-trusted brokerage with roots dating back to the 1700s, MF Global is now a bankrupt firm suspected of misappropriating customer funds to the tune of at least $600 million.

????More than two weeks after MF Global's Halloween bankruptcy filing, there are more questions than answers and a surfeit of conflicts in an investigation that should be aiming to restore the public's confidence, but is doing the opposite. On Monday, the bankruptcy trustee for the case announced that there may be much more than $600 million missing from MF Global accounts -- perhaps as much as $1.2 billion. Hundreds of millions of dollars of trading capital and collateral were frozen without notice, dramatically disrupting the derivatives marketplace and ushering in a phalanx of federal prosecutors, regulatory agencies and forensic accountants working around the clock to determine where the missing money is. This, after a lawyer for MF Global assured a New York judge earlier this month "there is no shortfall."

????What's different about this case? One hedge fund executive summed it up best: "What is scary about MF Global is that there is no political will in this country to look out for people. Let this be a lesson that, if someone tries to steal from you, there is no one who is going to save you. I mean it is literally the most frightening thing that can happen in finance."

????Led by a sense of outrage -- as well as the conviction that if they don't look out for themselves, no one else will -- investors have been pooling information and banding together to defend themselves for weeks. The most prominent group has been the Commodity Customer Coalition, spearheaded by James Koutoulas, chief executive of Typhon Capital Management, who's representing a few thousand former MF Global clients. Traders have also taken to the blogosphere, including Andrew Abraham of Abraham Investment Management, who's written extensively about how investors have been ignored, refunded only partially and in lopsided fashion and ought to complain to officials in Washington.

????It looks as though the pushback could finally be working: Thursday U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Martin Glenn approved a $520 million cash distribution to about 23,000 MF Global customers, which will take around a week to disburse.

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