


Bill Powell 2011-12-14





????分析人士指出,日產(chǎn)公司之所以比日本其他汽車制造商更迅速地恢復(fù)元?dú)?,是因?yàn)樵摴灸軌蛱岣咂渌S(包括戴克德市的發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)工廠)的產(chǎn)量。糟糕的是,日產(chǎn)同時(shí)也提高了泰國一家工廠的產(chǎn)量,而洪災(zāi)已經(jīng)讓這家工廠放緩了生產(chǎn)。2011年初,總部位于羅德島州莊士敦市的法特瑞互助保險(xiǎn)公司(FM Global)對600位首席財(cái)務(wù)官進(jìn)行了一次調(diào)查問卷,了解他們最擔(dān)心什么事情會(huì)破壞公司的收入來源。他們提到的最多的答案就是,供應(yīng)鏈瓦解。請注意,這項(xiàng)調(diào)查是在日本地震之前進(jìn)行的。



????The effects of Mother Nature's wrath still are being felt in the U.S. Auto assembly workers in Ohio saw their hours cut in November because Honda (HMC) couldn't get parts from Thailand. (In late November, Honda returned those plants to normal production levels.) On the other hand, a factory in Decherd, Tenn., that normally makes engines for Nissan cars sold only in the U.S. suddenly had to ramp up production after the Japan earthquake; Nissan had the American plant ship engines to Asia for use in cars sold both in Japan and in Southeast Asia.

????Not surprisingly, the events of 2011 have forced many manufacturers to rethink their global infrastructures. "These recent 'Black Swan' or unprecedented natural disaster events have obviously exposed vulnerabilities among industry supply chains," says Ferrari, the supply-chain expert. "The question now is, has the quest for lowest-cost production and hyper-lean supply chains overridden and exposed vulnerability to significant business risk?''

????It is a big, knotty issue for CEOs: Are bottom-line-oriented executives prepared to pull back from a system of low-cost suppliers and "just in time" manufacturing in favor of a more old-fashioned model that has plants squirreling away components for a rainy day, or, more dramatically, investing in backup facilities?

????For some companies the answer is a resounding yes. Seagate CEO Luczo says sophisticated companies have started asking his company for longer contracts on supply arrangements.

????Analysts say Nissan has bounced back better than other Japanese automakers because it was able to ramp up production at its other plants, including the Decherd facility. (One stroke of bad luck: Nissan also bolstered production at one of its operations in Thailand, which has been slowed by flooding.) FM Global, an insurance company based in Johnston, R.I., surveyed 600 chief financial officers in early 2011 and asked what they feared could derail their companies' revenue drivers. The most frequently cited answer? Supply-chain disruptions. And that survey was taken before the Japan earthquake.

????Carlos Ghosn, the CEO of Nissan, is philosophical. "There's going to be another crisis," he told an audience in New York in late November. "We don't know what kind of crisis, where it is going to hit us, and when it is going to hit us, but every time there is a crisis we are going to learn from it." If he's right, and crisis mode is the new normal, then the real cost advantage may not go to the manufacturer with the nimblest supply chain but the company with the most robust one.

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