


Sierra Jiminez 2011-12-27




????于是,弗林一頭扎進了家里的車庫中(他的家在新墨西哥州阿爾伯克基),隨后的6個月里,他一直呆在那里,研究出了更好的辦法。弗林的目標是,使用磁性納米粒子開發(fā)出一種比典型的乳房X線照片侵害性更小的乳腺癌檢測方法?!安恍业氖?,我在車庫里無法獲得完成這一設施所需的液體氦,”弗林開玩笑說。于是,他把他的設備搬到了新墨西哥大學健康科學中心(University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center)的一個實驗室中。通過與弗林新成立的公司Senior Scientifics合作,這臺現(xiàn)在被稱為超導量子干涉器(SQUID)的設備終于得以完成。


????醫(yī)療器械領域的大型公司正嘗試著尋找一種更好的辦法。通用電氣(General Electric)、飛利浦(Philips)和豪洛捷(Hologic)等公司都在爭取價值近60億美元的醫(yī)療成像行業(yè)更大的份額,行業(yè)分析機構(gòu)弗若斯特和沙利文公司(Frost & Sullivan)認為,乳腺檢查設備是這一領域的重中之重。2011年,美國總計進行了大約4,000萬次乳房X線檢測,這個市場已經(jīng)成熟,亟待更出色的醫(yī)療技術(shù)。成像和數(shù)字化乳房X線檢測機今年在美國的銷售總額為4.25億美元,預計將維持緩慢但穩(wěn)健的增長勢頭(到2015年將增長4%)。

????When his first wife went into a coma following cardiac arrest in 1978, nuclear physicist Dr. Edward Flynn vowed to build a machine that could save lives. Flynn's wife died 18 months later, but the experience moved Flynn to create a technology that could map brain activity using magnetic fields.

????When Flynn's second wife was diagnosed with early stage breast cancer at 53 years old, he was ready for round two. The technology that he'd developed before would prove useful once again. While a mammogram had successfully detected abnormal cells, Flynn says that the procedures to detect and treat his wife's cancer seemed inadequate. "Radiation just didn't seem necessary. It would have caused a lot of scarring on the breast tissue and she would never be able to have another mammogram that worked," he says.

????So Flynn retreated to his garage at his home in Albuquerque, New Mexico, where he spent the next six months building something better. Flynn's aim was to use magnetic nano-particles to develop a less invasive method to detect breast cancer than a typical mammogram. "Unfortunately, I couldn't get liquid helium delivered to my garage to finish the device," Flynn says jokingly. And so he moved his operation to a facility at the University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center, where the device now known as SQUID (superconducting quantum interference device) was finished in partnership with his new business venture Senior Scientifics.

????Flynn is not the first to realize the flaws of digital mammography. Women around the country often find it an uncomfortable and anxiety inducing process. In order to get a clear image, a typical digital mammography machine squeezes the breast between two plates so that all of the breast tissue is of equal width. For women with more or denser breast tissue, even the act of squeezing the breast is sometimes not enough to get an accurate reading, and requires a follow up MRI or ultrasound.

????Major industry is trying to find a better way. General Electric (GE), Philips and Hologic (HOLX) are all striving for bigger pieces of the nearly $6 billion medical imaging industry, much of which is focused on breast screening devices according to industry analyst firm Frost & Sullivan. In 2011, roughly 40 million mammograms were performed in the U.S., making it a prime market for better medical technologies. Sales of film and digital mammography machines in the U.S. totaled $425 million this year and are expected to see a slow but steady overall growth of 4% by 2015.

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