


Sierra Jiminez 2011-12-27



????據(jù)美國癌癥協(xié)會(huì)(American Cancer Society)統(tǒng)計(jì),美國今年大約有30萬名婦女被診斷出患有乳腺癌。紀(jì)念斯隆-凱特琳癌癥中心(Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center)乳腺成像部主任伊麗莎白?莫里斯認(rèn)為,雖然頻繁的篩查和早期檢測可以降低死亡率,降幅最高可達(dá)30%,但乳房X線照相術(shù)的“黃金標(biāo)準(zhǔn)”遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)不夠完善。她說,普通乳房組織中20%的癌病變無法通過乳房X線照片檢測出,對于乳房組織更緊密的女性,這一比例甚至高達(dá)50%。即使X線真的發(fā)現(xiàn)了異常,復(fù)診時(shí)也有差不多70%的病人發(fā)現(xiàn)這些病變并非陽性,這意味著她們并沒有患上癌癥?!拔彝耆珶o法確認(rèn),三維成像技術(shù)是否能夠帶來顯著的變化,改變這個(gè)行業(yè)的現(xiàn)狀,”莫里斯說。“最重要的問題是,我們什么時(shí)候能夠植入某種東西,可以讓我們看清楚癌病變的位置,同時(shí)進(jìn)行靶向治療?!?/p>

????MD安德森癌癥中心(MD Anderson Cancer Center)的約翰?黑茲爾認(rèn)同這種看法。他說,實(shí)際上,這也是MD安德森癌癥中心今年8月份同意對愛德華?弗林的磁性納米顆粒技術(shù)進(jìn)行臨床前評估的原因所在。不同于普通的乳房X線照相系統(tǒng)(它只能檢測出至少由1億個(gè)癌細(xì)胞構(gòu)成的腫塊),弗林的納米顆粒技術(shù)能夠檢測出由10萬個(gè)癌細(xì)胞構(gòu)成的腫塊,而且經(jīng)過目前的編程,可檢測出的細(xì)胞數(shù)量將降低至1,2000個(gè)。等到這種技術(shù)正式投入商用時(shí),它能夠在癌細(xì)胞發(fā)展至第一階段之前就將其檢測出來,可檢測出的細(xì)胞數(shù)量將降至“幾千個(gè)”,Senior Scientifics公司【現(xiàn)在已隸屬于曼哈頓科學(xué)公司(Manhattan Scientifics)】總裁杰拉爾德?格拉夫說?!俺上窦夹g(shù)這條路根本就是錯(cuò)的。治療癌癥不應(yīng)該盯著形態(tài),而應(yīng)尋找某種細(xì)胞?!?/p>



????Demand is being stoked by unmet needs, according to David Danielson, a spokesperson for Hologic. In February, the company received FDA approval for its digital tomosynthesis system. The machine looks and works similarly to a typical mammography system, but includes an overhead sensor, which takes a 3D image of the breast by scanning 1-millimeter layers of breast tissue. While GE pioneered the mammography industry in 2000 when it developed the digital mammogram, Hologic is now the industry leader, selling about 65% of mammography systems in the U.S. each month.

????In October, GE received FDA approval for its so-called SenoBright. That system uses contrast to produce an enhanced secondary image in addition to a traditional mammography scan. The contrast allows for a clearer reading of the image, much like you would get in a follow up MRI scan. While the company says it expects the new technology to have a "significantly" lower false positive rate than current mammography systems, it still can't detect whether a mass is cancerous -- a factor some physicians feel is key to new technologies.

????Nearly 300,000 women in the U.S. were diagnosed with breast cancer this year, according to the American Cancer Society. While frequent screening and early detection can lower the mortality rate by up to 30%, the mammography "gold standard" is far from perfect, says Elizabeth Morris, chief of breast imaging at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. Mammograms miss about 20% of cancers in normal breast tissue, and up to 50% in denser breast tissues, she says. And even if the x-ray does manage to pick up an abnormality, roughly 70% of those patients called back will be a false positive, meaning they don't have cancer. "I'm just not sure 3D imaging is going to be a huge game changer," Morris says. "The holy grail is when we're able to inject something that allows us to see where the cancer is and does targeted therapy at the same time."

????John Hazle of MD Anderson Cancer Center agrees. In fact, that's the reason, he says, MD Anderson signed on for a pre-clinical evaluation of Edward Flynn's magnetic nano-particle technology in August this year. Unlike a mammogram, which can only detect a mass of at least 100 million cancer cells, Flynn's nano-particle technology can detect cancer at a mass of 100,000 cells, and is currently being programmed to detect down to 12,000 cells. By the time it's ready for commercial use, it could detect cancer before stage one -- down to "a few thousand cells" says Gerald Grafe, president of Senior Scientifics, now a division of Manhattan Scientifics (MHTX). "Imaging is fundamentally the wrong approach. In cancer, you're not after the shape, you're looking for a kind of cell," Grafe argues.

????Instead of producing an image of a large mass of cancer cells, Flynn's technology produces a magnetic signal when the nano-particles attach to cancer cells. This allows physicians to see not only where the cancer is, but also how many cells there are. While the technology is nowhere near FDA approval, and it'll likely be several years before Flynn's dreams come to fruition, Flynn claims his work is just one more step toward the right approach.

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