
??? 公海即將上演大海戰(zhàn)!這種說法可能有些危言聳聽,不過全世界最富有的船主們近來都在熱議,谷歌(Google)的拉里?佩奇為其194英尺長的游艇“感覺”號(Senses)招募了一位船長。新船長名為克里斯?高德納,被佩奇從馬耳他游艇“獵鷹”號挖來?!矮C鷹”是一艘未來派高速帆船,所有者為歐洲對沖基金界億萬富翁艾琳娜?安布羅賽亞德?!矮C鷹”的上任所有者和建造者是硅谷著名風(fēng)險投資者湯姆?珀金斯。46歲的高德納為珀金斯工作了20年,珀金斯2009年將“獵鷹”轉(zhuǎn)賣給安布羅賽亞德,報道稱,售價高達9,000萬美元。之后,高德納繼續(xù)留任船長一職,直到今年秋天被佩奇挖走。有消息稱,佩奇的開價“令人發(fā)指”。豪華游艇的船長薪水極其豐厚,年薪高達25萬美元。(谷歌只會說將按照市場行情付錢。)據(jù)稱,佩奇以4,500萬美元的價格將“感覺”收入囊中。這艘船搭載了一艘Hobie Wave雙體船,一艘28英尺長的經(jīng)典Herreshoff單桅帆船,甚至還有一個直升機起降坪。高德納手下的船員有13人。佩奇會不會讓高德納使用谷歌地圖進行導(dǎo)航,現(xiàn)在還不得而知。 ??? 譯者:項航 |
????It's warfare on the high seas! Not quite, but the moneyed yachties of the world were abuzz when Google's (GOOG) Larry Page recently got himself a skipper for his 194-foot motor yacht Senses. The new captain is Chris Gartner, who was lured away from the Maltese Falcon, the futuristic clipper ship owned by Elena Ambrosiadou, the European hedge fund billionaire. The Falcon's prior owner and builder was Tom Perkins, the celebrated Silicon Valley VC; the 46-year-old Gartner had worked for Perkins for 20 years. When Perkins sold the Falcon in 2009 to Ambrosiadou for a reported $90 million, Gartner stayed on -- until this fall when Page, according to a source, made him "an obscene offer." Captains in the mega-yacht industry receive salaries as high as $250,000. (Google will say only that he was paid a market rate.) Senses, which Page bought for a reported $45 million, carries a Hobie Wave catamaran, a 28-foot classic Herreshoff sloop, and a helipad. Gartner will captain a crew of 13. No word on whether Page will have him use Google Maps to steer. |