


Adam Lashinsky 2011-12-31




????沃爾特:讓我告訴你吧,如果你一直在聽(tīng)其他人對(duì)喬布斯的評(píng)價(jià),形容他的1,000個(gè)詞語(yǔ)里都不會(huì)出現(xiàn)友好、親切這樣的字眼。假如你想要友好和親切,我曾寫過(guò)本?富蘭克林的傳記,不如買這本。我所寫的傳記反映了人物的真實(shí)面貌。我會(huì)問(wèn):“喬布斯,為什么你是這樣的人?”他會(huì)說(shuō):“這就是我,我就是這個(gè)樣子?!逼渌藭?huì)說(shuō),你知道嗎,他不掛車牌,有時(shí)候占用殘疾人的專用車位,還插隊(duì)。他似乎就是這樣活著,仿佛正常的規(guī)則對(duì)他不起作用。你不會(huì)教育你6歲的孩子去做這種事情,我也不會(huì)這樣教育我21歲的孩子。但正是這些卻造就了人們稱頌的人物——不合群、瘋狂——正如蘋果公司的廣告,“不同凡想”(Think Different)。如果你拒絕接受規(guī)則,有時(shí)就能夠扭轉(zhuǎn)現(xiàn)實(shí)。你是個(gè)非常和善的人,有時(shí)我也相當(dāng)和善,因此我絕對(duì)不可能造出iPad。所以,我們注定只能成為蕓蕓眾生中的一員。我可不是在為不友善的行為辯解。



????AL: You do not describe a petulant man in this book.

????WI: Well, you know, he had a passion, a petulance, an impatience. I do think it was connected to the artist's sensibility, that wanted to really make insanely great products. And he was kind of binary, either something was insanely great, or it totally sucked, and nothing in between, and I do think that that leads you to be brittle, rather impatient, sometimes brusque. Somebody just walked up to me at one point. I don't think he'll get in trouble, but he said, "I work at Apple and I sort of met Steve Jobs." I said, "How?" He said, "He cut in front of me in the cafe to grab some food." I said, "Did he say 'I'm sorry'?" He said, "No." You know, but that's Steve. That was Steve. You can't separate that from the fact that he was a total genius, he made awesome products. And I hope the narrative of the book is, you will look at a guy who admits to being really tough, rough on people, a jerk at times, but as it goes along he develops and inspires a team that becomes incredibly loyal to him--and over and over again, whether it's the Mac, the iMac, the iPod, the iPhone, the iPad, just makes awesomely great products. So, you can't separate the personality from the perfectionism, the passion, that made these products.

????AL: So, let's run with this seemingly superficial anecdote for just a moment. I mean, cutting in line in front of somebody in the cafeteria is not nice. It's repugnant behavior. It's the kind of behavior we teach our children not to do. And in your book you have far stronger anecdotes: telling his PR woman at midnight, after she's gone out to find him the kind of flowers that he wants, that she looks like shit. That is just not admirable behavior.

????WI: Let me tell you that if you were listening, of the 1,000 adjectives for Steve nice, kindness, would not be up there. If you want nice and kindness--I wrote biography of Ben Franklin, buy it. But I write the biography of the people I'm writing about. And I'd say, "Why are you that way, Steve?" And he'd say, "This is who I am, this is the way I am." And people say, well, you know, he didn't put a license plate on and he sometimes parked in the handicap, or he cut in line. He actually seemed to live as if the normal rules didn't apply to him. That's not what you want to teach your 6-year-old, or for that matter my 21-year old. But it also leads you to be the type of person you can celebrate--and here's to the misfits, the crazy ones--you know, the "Think Different" ad. And if you believe the rules don't apply to you, sometimes you're able to bend reality. You're very nice, I'm pretty nice at times--I would never have been able to make the iPad. So, you've got to just live with the whole package there. I'm not defending being not nice.

????AL: I understand.

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