


Patricia Sellers 2012-01-06
巴菲特在 “圣誕2011”這個(gè)標(biāo)題下列出了??松梨冢‥xxon Mobil)和富國銀行(Wells Fargo)——他已經(jīng)持有了這兩家公司的股份——以及谷歌(Google)的名字。



????這位伯克希爾哈撒韋公司(Berkshire Hathaway)的董事長發(fā)布了一張自己的照片。他坐在圣誕老人的膝蓋上,欽點(diǎn)了幾家公司的名字。顯然,他相信這些公司將成為2012年值得持有的優(yōu)質(zhì)股票。

????巴菲特在 “圣誕2011”這個(gè)標(biāo)題下列出了??松梨冢‥xxon Mobil)和富國銀行(Wells Fargo)——他已經(jīng)持有了這兩家公司的股份——以及谷歌(Google)的名字。沒有公開記錄顯示巴菲特曾經(jīng)持有谷歌的股票。

????這是否意味著,巴菲特這位一向都不愿投資硅谷公司的奧馬哈先知(Oracle of Omaha)現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)將目光瞄準(zhǔn)了谷歌?



????巴菲特所說的伯克希爾哈撒韋公司“完全持有”的公司是指政府員工保險(xiǎn)公司(GEICO)、BNSF鐵路公司(BNSF Railway)和2003年巴菲特從沃爾瑪(Wal-Mart)手中購得的配送巨頭麥克萊恩公司(McLane)。

????至于圣誕名單上的最后一個(gè)名字“Youth Pills(致查理)”,這里巴菲特指的是查理?芒格。他是巴菲特的長期商業(yè)伙伴,在新年那天年滿88歲。巴菲特相對(duì)年輕,年齡為81歲。



????What companies did Warren Buffett put on his wish list for Santa Claus?

????The secret is out.

????The Berkshire Hathaway (BRKA) chief sent a photo of himself, perched on Santa's lap, and named several companies that he apparently believes will be great stocks to own in 2012.

????Under the header, "Santa - 2011," Buffett listed Exxon Mobil (XOM), Wells Fargo (WF)--both companies in which he already owns shares--and Google (GOOG). No public records indicate that Buffett has ever owned Google stock.

????Does this mean that the Oracle of Omaha, who has mostly shunned investments in Silicon Valley, now has his sights set on Google?

????Buffett answered in an email: "I just wrote out the list without much thought except to pick companies that we already owned as 'completed' and then just pulled the other names out of a hat--with an eye toward ridiculousness. The implication I hoped was that they were on a list designating those I hoped to own in their entirety, not just shares."

????Hmm, owning Exxon Mobil and Google in their entirety does sound a bit ridiculous. But you can't accuse the man who built Berkshire Hathaway into America's seventh-largest company of thinking small.

????Those "completed" companies that Buffett says Berkshire already owns in their entirety are GEICO, BNSF Railway, and McLane, a distribution giant that he bought from Wal-Mart (WMT) in 2003.

????As for the last item on his Christmas list, "Youth Pills (for Charlie)," here Buffett is referring to Charlie Munger, his longtime business partner who turned 88 on New Years Day. Buffett is a relatively youthful 81.

????And who is this Santa, upon whose lap Buffett sits? That is Michael Wilhelm, the brother of a good friend of Susie Buffett, Warren's daughter. Every Christmas, Wilhelm dyes his beard to play Santa and entertain the young 'uns in the Buffett crew--including Warren, we guess.

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