


Stephanie Mehta 2012-01-16

????《財富》(中文版)(Fortune China)由《財富》雜志(Fortune)授權(quán)出版,最近它剛剛舉行了創(chuàng)刊15周年的慶?;顒?。高德思(微博)從《財富》(中文版)創(chuàng)刊伊始就一直擔(dān)任這本雜志的董事長兼總編輯,是它背后的發(fā)展動力。近日,我們對高德思進行了采訪,請他談?wù)勥@15年間,所觀察到的變遷?!鞠嚓P(guān)閱讀:《財富》(中文版)創(chuàng)刊15周年特別報道:《15年來影響中國商業(yè)進程的15位人物》(15 business people who’ve changed China)】。


????1993年,我們在中國為時代公司(Time Inc.)的雜志做了一項市場開發(fā)可行性研究。自1975年起,我們公司(中詢有限公司,CCI Asia-Pacific Ltd.)就已經(jīng)開始出版B2B的中文雜志,同時開展市場研究;我們的位置得天獨厚,因此有幸見證了1979年中國實行改革開放政策之前、期間以及之后的變化。




????中國企業(yè)的變化廣泛而深遠,很難說最大的變化是什么。這里有一個數(shù)據(jù)可以說明問題。1996年,僅有3家中國企業(yè)入選《財富》世界500強企業(yè)榜單(Fortune Global 500),而今年已經(jīng)達到了61家。



????其中一個例子是早期的一篇封面報道。這篇報道譯自《財富》雜志,標(biāo)題是《企業(yè)為什么失敗》(Why Companies Fail.)。海爾公司(Haier)首席執(zhí)行官張瑞敏曾公開表示,這篇文章對他的影響很大。他甚至把這期雜志裝裱起來,一直擺在案頭。


????Fortune China, a licensed edition of Fortune magazine that publishes in Chinese, recently celebrated its 15th anniversary. Tom Gorman, who has been the publisher and driving force behind the magazine since its inception, answered some of our questions about the changes he has observed during this time. (See also 15 business people who've changed China from the editors of Fortune China)

????What made you think, 15 years ago, that China needed a business magazine?

????In 1993, we did a market entry feasibility study for Time Inc. magazines in China. My company had been publishing Chinese language b2b magazines and doing market research in China since 1975 , so we had a ground floor seat from which to witness the dramatic changes before, during, and after the Open Door policy was announced in 1979.

????One of our recommendations to Time Inc. in 1993 was a Chinese edition of Fortune. There were two big trends just emerging on the horizon: A huge demand for management information as China transitioned from Soviet style central planning to a hybrid form of market economics; and the emergence of a relatively affluent middle class in major Chinese cities. Both were positive underlying drivers for a magazine like Fortune.

????Ironically, in making that recommendation I never imagined we would be the publishers of Fortune's Chinese edition because Time Inc. had not traditionally been a believer in growth through licensing. In the end, some years later, we were offered the first license and enthusiastically accepted.

????What has changed most about Chinese business in the 15 years you've been editing and publishing Fortune China?

????The changes are so diverse and dramatic it's hard to single out just a few. One favorite data point is that in 1996 there were three Chinese companies on the Fortune Global 500 list, versus 61 on this year's list.

????As you look back over the last 15 years, what stories are you proudest of telling?

????The common denominator for me is stories which have helped Chinese business leaders do a better job of managing their businesses as well as their personal and family lives, against a backdrop of phenomenal, turbulent change.

????One example was an early cover story we ran, translated from Fortune, called : "Why Companies Fail." Haier CEO Zhang Ruimin has said publicly that this article had such an impact on him that he framed that issue of our magazine, and it has remained on his desk ever since.

????Another story which I think had good resonance is the cover story we did based in 2010 based on my 4-hour interview with management guru Jim Collins, which we ran in the magazine as well as in video clips on www.zgfxmdz.com. Collins' books are big-time best-sellers in China , and the response we got to this series was very gratifying.

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