


Brian Dumaine 2012-02-21




????阿古斯也相信,我們還需要一些新的工具才能真正了解我們的身體。他建議我們每個(gè)人都應(yīng)進(jìn)行基因成像?;驁D像并不會(huì)告訴我們是否會(huì)染上某種疾病,但會(huì)告訴我們?nèi)旧线@種病的幾率有多大,從而幫助我們做出正確的判斷。幾年前,他與別人合作創(chuàng)辦了一家名叫Navigenics(意為“基因?qū)Ш健薄g注)的公司,專(zhuān)門(mén)提供基因檢測(cè)服務(wù),每次收費(fèi)400美元。這家公司得到了凱鵬華盈投資公司(Kleiner Perkins)風(fēng)投家約翰?杜爾的資助,他是谷歌的早期投資人之一。阿古斯也給自己的DNA畫(huà)了像,還把結(jié)果展示在書(shū)里公之于眾——他發(fā)現(xiàn)自己存在罹患心臟病的風(fēng)險(xiǎn)。這有點(diǎn)奇怪,因?yàn)樗哪懝檀妓揭恢焙艿?。盡管如此,他還是開(kāi)始攝入更健康的飲食,并開(kāi)始服用他汀類(lèi)藥物。

????我們?cè)谝恍┬鹿ぞ叩膸椭禄蛟S能在更早的階段檢測(cè)到隱藏的疾病。問(wèn)題的關(guān)鍵在于我們需要理解構(gòu)建生命的基石——蛋白質(zhì)的活動(dòng)機(jī)理。缺損的蛋白質(zhì)可能是某種疾病的早期標(biāo)志,然而追蹤蛋白質(zhì)是一項(xiàng)極其因難的工作——蛋白質(zhì)的大小只有一個(gè)中子那么大。大約8年前,阿古斯創(chuàng)辦了另一家公司,名叫Applied Proteomics。他與超級(jí)計(jì)算機(jī)專(zhuān)家丹尼?希利斯合作開(kāi)發(fā)了一個(gè)系統(tǒng),有能力對(duì)幾十萬(wàn)個(gè)蛋白質(zhì)水平進(jìn)行編目。目前這家公司仍處于科研階段,一旦它取得成功,就能為醫(yī)學(xué)界提供一個(gè)重要的診斷工具。

????阿古斯說(shuō),上個(gè)月英國(guó)的《每日鏡報(bào)》(Daily Mirror)刊發(fā)了一篇書(shū)評(píng),介紹了他的新書(shū),結(jié)果一下子有7,000多人憤怒地發(fā)博文或?qū)戨娮余]件對(duì)他進(jìn)行譴責(zé)。有些人指責(zé)他想乘機(jī)宣傳自己的基因成像公司以此謀利。阿古斯對(duì)這個(gè)問(wèn)題的回答是,他在那家DNA公司只有很少的股份。



????There are other simple ways to fight inflammation. Agus explains that it's better to walk a lot than to do an intense burst of exercise and then sit behind a desk all day. (The rhythmic part of walking helps your lymphatics function, part of the system that controls your immune system.) Wear comfortable shoes, which lowers stress on joints. (Walking barefoot or in high heels can cause damage to the joints and thus inflame your feet.)

????His approach has its detractors. Dr. Rita Redberg, a professor of medicine at UCSF, argues that the evidence doesn't support the widespread use of statins. "I prescribe medicine to make people feel better or live longer, and statins do neither," she says. Not only that, statins can have side effects ranging from muscle aches to diabetes.

????Of course, Agus thinks statins in many cases do more good than harm and, anyway, are just one tool in his arsenal. The nice thing about his approach is that nothing requires a superhuman effort -- a lot of it is just commonsense, healthy living.

????Agus also believes we need new tools to really understand our bodies. He suggests that each of us get genetically profiled. This won't tell us whether we'll contract a certain disease but will tell us the probability of getting it, allowing us to make the proper adjustments. A few years ago he co-founded Navigenics, a company that does genetic screening at $400 a pop and is backed by venture capitalist John Doerr of Kleiner Perkins, an early investor in Google (GOOG). When Agus had his own DNA profiled -- the results are in the book for all to see -- he found he was at risk of having a heart attack. This was strange because his cholesterol had always been low. Nonetheless, it was enough to persuade him to go on a healthier diet and start taking statins.

????New tools may also make it possible to detect diseases at a much earlier stage. The key is understanding how proteins -- which are the building blocks of life -- operate. Faulty proteins can be early indicators of a disease. The trouble is, tracing proteins is incredibly hard to do -- they are the size of a single neutron. About eight years ago Agus started another company called Applied Proteomics. He joined up with supercomputer guru Danny Hillis to create a system with the horsepower to catalogue hundreds of thousands of protein levels. The company is still a work in progress, but if it succeeds, it will provide an important diagnostic tool.

????When Agus's book was reviewed by the Daily Mirror in England last month, he says he got 7,000 angry blog and e-mail responses. Some accused him of trying to cash in on his DNA-profiling firm. Agus's response? That he has only a small stake in the DNA firm.

????Agus, however, has a bigger challenge ahead. He needs to get his ideas widely accepted by the medical community. Maybe then he can turn those hisses into cheers.

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