


John O'Farrell 2012-03-02


????? 能夠向思科的任何一位客戶銷售NAS,并且獲得Opsware公司非競爭性的積極支持。

????? 產(chǎn)品需打上思科的標識。

????? 思科有權(quán)以任何價位銷售產(chǎn)品,甚至可以在銷售某個大型設(shè)備時免費贈送NAS軟件。

????? Opsware 必須“保證”思科的競爭對手不會對Opsware發(fā)起出其不意的收購行動。

????? 有權(quán)進入Opsware NAS軟件的源代碼,甚至制造衍生產(chǎn)品(你可以想象,這個要求一度讓我們心痛不已)。

????隨后的整個秋天和初冬,我們穿梭往返于Tasman Drive大街的思科和位于瑪?shù)贍柕麓蠼值腛psware公司辦公室,反復(fù)跟思科公司軟件團隊協(xié)商交易框架,及時告知我們的銷售和產(chǎn)品研發(fā)團隊談判的進展,會同他們一起制定戰(zhàn)略,以確保我們沒有偏離既定目標。有些問題(比如源代碼)極其復(fù)雜。然而,就猶如一個人正從重重霧靄中緩緩走出,一項引人注目的交易開始逐漸成型。

????2006年1月13日,也就是Rendition Networks公司收購案結(jié)束1年之后,我們終于跟思科公司達成了一份全球性的分銷協(xié)定。思科的企業(yè)銷售團隊將向其遍及全世界的客戶群銷售我們的NAS產(chǎn)品,思科將其重新命名為思科網(wǎng)絡(luò)管家(Cisco Network Compliance Manager)。Opsware公司的銷售團隊將追隨思科公司同仁,為其提供銷售支持服務(wù),并在此過程中構(gòu)建業(yè)務(wù)關(guān)系,為隨后百萬美元級服務(wù)器軟件的銷售奠定基礎(chǔ)。



????最低收入承諾:雖然談判耗時近9個月,但我們最終說服思科做出了一個為期3年、有約束力的季度收入保證,總額相當于我們此前收購Rendition Networks公司時所支付的款項。我們說服思科同仁相信,這樣做將產(chǎn)生雙贏效果:向Opsware公司保證每季度銷售幾百萬美元的產(chǎn)品將給予思科巨大的銷售動力。反過來,它可以讓我們心安理得地中止我們自身的NAS銷售活動,全力以赴地(包括指派一些專門的銷售和產(chǎn)品支持人員)幫助我們的合作伙伴取得成功。


????In a seemingly endless series of meetings in Cisco's blue-gray conference rooms over the spring and summer, we gained a good understanding of Cisco's main objectives. They wanted:

????? The ability to sell NAS to any Cisco account, with active support, not competition, from Opsware.

????? Cisco-branded product.

????? Freedom to sell at any price they chose, including throwing in the NAS software free as part of a big equipment sale.

????? "Insurance" against a surprise acquisition of Opsware by a competitor.

????? Access to Opsware NAS source code, and even the ability to make derivative works. (As you might imagine, this one caused us a lot of heartburn.)

????All through the fall and early winter, we shuttled back and forth between Tasman Drive and Opsware's office on Mathilda Avenue, alternately negotiating a deal structure with the Cisco software team and updating and strategizing with our sales and product organizations to make sure we were staying true to our objectives. Some issues, like source code, were extremely complex. Nonetheless, like a figure emerging from the fog, a compelling deal gradually took shape.

????On February 13, 2006, a year after closing the Rendition acquisition, we announced a worldwide distribution agreement with Cisco. Cisco's enterprise sales force would sell our NAS product, rechristened Cisco Network Compliance Manager, to their worldwide customer base. Opsware's sales force would follow their Cisco counterparts, supporting their efforts to sell the network product and in the process building the relationships and laying the groundwork for a subsequent million-dollar-plus server software sale.

Behind the headlines – a deal with teeth

????While the press and public endorsement by Cisco were valuable, what made this partnership work unusually well in practice was a smart deal structure designed to achieve both sides' objectives:

????Minimum revenue commitment: It took us almost nine months, but we persuaded Cisco to make a binding three-year quarterly revenue guarantee that totaled almost as much as we had paid to acquire Rendition. We helped our Cisco counterparts to understand that this would be a win-win: Guaranteeing several million dollars a quarter to Opsware would give Cisco huge motivation to drive sales. In turn, it would give us the assurance we needed to back off our own NAS sales efforts and do everything—including assigning some dedicated sales and product headcount—to make our partner successful.

????Substantial revenue share: We secured a revenue share and pricing floors that made a Cisco NAS sale almost as financially attractive to us as if we had sold it directly—because Cisco could actually charge more for the software than we could.

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