


John O'Farrell 2012-03-02





????預(yù)防收購(gòu)措施:我們承諾在簽署出售公司的合約時(shí)提前告知思科公司,并給予其競(jìng)標(biāo)的機(jī)會(huì)(如果他們想收購(gòu)的話)。請(qǐng)注意這項(xiàng)條款跟優(yōu)先購(gòu)買權(quán)(Right of First Refusal)截然不同。



????合作開始后的9個(gè)月內(nèi),思科公司先后與敦豪速遞(DHL)、好事多(Costco)、斯普林特 (Sprint)、澳洲電訊(Telstra)等公司及美國(guó)郵政管理局(USPS)達(dá)成了大宗銷售合約。沒過多久,思科公司的銷量就足以超越向Opsware公司所做的季度最低銷售額保證。源自思科方面的銷量很快就占據(jù)了我們公司訂貨量的25%以上。思科公司巨大的分銷能力讓NAS軟件的競(jìng)爭(zhēng)對(duì)手消失得無影無蹤。同樣重要的是,每銷售一款NAS軟件就為我們提供了一個(gè)機(jī)會(huì),使我們得以向以前從未接觸過的客戶推銷SAS軟件,進(jìn)而為具有高利潤(rùn)率的服務(wù)器軟件業(yè)務(wù)提供了強(qiáng)大的推動(dòng)力。



????Co-branding: The product was marketed as Cisco Network Compliance Manager, "built on Opsware automation technology".

????Channel-neutral compensation: To motivate Opsware's sales people to support their Cisco sales counterparts instead of competing with them, we compensated them for every Cisco sale in their territory. While this cost us real money, it made sense because every Cisco sale opened the door for us to sell a much bigger, higher-margin product.

????Acquisition insurance: We committed to give Cisco advance notification of any agreement to sell the company, and the opportunity to enter the bidding if they wanted to. (Note this is very different from a Right of First Refusal.)

????Source code license: We gave Cisco a three-year license to view our source code and build on it, but came up with an innovative licensing approach that protected us fully and even generated millions in additional revenue. In any case, we bet they would never actually do anything with the code, and we were right.

Goliath delivers…

????Within nine months, Cisco was selling large network software deals into accounts like DHL, Costco, Sprint, USPS and Telstra, and a short time later, they were selling enough to exceed the quarterly minimum revenue guarantee to Opsware. The Cisco deal would go on to generate over 25% of our bookings. Cisco's massive distribution power vaporized our NAS competitors. Just as important, every NAS sale opened the door for our SAS product in accounts we had never penetrated before, providing a major thrust to our high-margin server business.

????Of course, there were many challenges along the way. Cisco people needed lots of training and support to sell the product. There were occasional conflicts over accounts that had to be arbitrated. We ran a separate weekly pipeline call with Cisco to track and drive their sales and direct our follow-on server sales calls. Product change and bug fix requests from Cisco had to be triaged and folded into our roadmap.

????However, we were able to handle these demands with equanimity, because we had a couple of dedicated heads in sales and product management to handle them, and a large guaranteed revenue stream that helped the whole company to realize this was a deal worth supporting.

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