


Dan Mitchell 2012-03-06
谷歌希望通過(guò)“Good to Know”宣導(dǎo)廣告,將這場(chǎng)辯論從法律界和政界延伸到公眾領(lǐng)域。鑒于反對(duì)之聲依然高漲,很難判斷這組廣告到底能起到多大作用。


????當(dāng)然,對(duì)此肯定存在大量反對(duì)的聲音。但是,谷歌名為Good to Know的廣告宣傳活動(dòng)至少在某種程度上減輕了反對(duì)意見(jiàn)產(chǎn)生的影響。廣告采用了富有童趣的素描畫來(lái)闡釋、推廣新政策。“在線隱私從未如此楚楚可憐,”《廣告時(shí)代》(Advertising Age)報(bào)道說(shuō)


????谷歌Good to Know廣告的推出時(shí)間在禁止網(wǎng)絡(luò)盜版法(SOPA)抗議運(yùn)動(dòng)達(dá)到高潮之前。當(dāng)時(shí),網(wǎng)絡(luò)用戶與商界共同發(fā)動(dòng)的在線抗議活動(dòng)甚至引發(fā)了斷網(wǎng)和其他一些抗議行為,并進(jìn)而導(dǎo)致反盜版立法案最終被束之高閣,抗議活動(dòng)由此達(dá)到了頂峰。谷歌當(dāng)時(shí)也參與了抗議活動(dòng),但只是在網(wǎng)站上發(fā)表了簡(jiǎn)短的聲明,以示反對(duì)。但是,該公司一定為抗議活動(dòng)的成功而感到欣慰不已,因?yàn)樗峁┑淖C據(jù)顯示,很多時(shí)候,直接面向公眾的公共活動(dòng)往往收效極為顯著。



????Google (GOOG) today implemented its controversial new privacy policy, which ties together more than ever before data gathered from users' online activities across all of its properties -- search, Gmail, Google Plus, Picasa, Google Maps, etc. -- to better target ads based on users' interests.

????There is plenty of blowback, of course. But that might have been mitigated, at least somewhat, by Google's ad campaign, "Good to Know," which comprises cute line drawings to explain and promote the new policy. "Online privacy has never looked more cuddly," decided Advertising Age.

????Or maybe privacy intrusion has never looked more cuddly is a better way to put it. Google of course is putting the best possible face on what is, after all, a highly controversial, possibly troubling move. But the campaign might be unique in terms of taking such actions directly to the people, circumventing lawyers, interest groups and politicians to the extent possible.

????"Good to Know" was launched in Europe before the anti-SOPA campaign reached full volume, culminating in an online movement of people and companies that resulted in Web blackouts and other protests the led to the anti-piracy legislation's being shelved. Google took part, though only with a message on its site stating its opposition to the bill. But the company must have been pleased by the effort's success, since it offered further evidence that in many cases, direct-to-the-public publicity campaigns can be highly effective.

????Of course, that can work both ways, and for a lot of people, Google's new policy is a lot like SOPA in being anathema to the interests of Internet users. Some of the same groups and many of the same individuals that opposed SOPA also oppose this. But if such battles are increasingly fought in public, that might be a lot better than having them fought in Congress, the courts, or lawyer's offices, where interests other than the public interest are bound to hold more sway.


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