


Alex Taylor III 2012-03-09



????戴姆勒-梅賽德斯奔馳(Daimler’s Mercedes-Benz)位列本榜季軍,該品牌已是連續(xù)三年躋身三甲,同時(shí)也進(jìn)一步加速了日本廠商排名的滑衰。豐田(Toyota)的排名從去年的第七位回升到今年的第四位,但本田(Honda)仍然令人費(fèi)解地繼續(xù)呈下滑之勢,從去年的第五名跌至第八名。日產(chǎn)(Nissan)作為日本汽車三巨頭的老三,今年繼續(xù)排名墊底。

????在美國廠商中,福特(Ford)的排名從第六小幅上升至第五,進(jìn)一步鞏固了它的全球競爭力。通用(General Motors)仍在努力擺脫2009年破產(chǎn)風(fēng)暴的余波,它的排名上升了兩位來到第七名。值得注意的是這張榜單上沒有出現(xiàn)克萊斯勒(Chrysler)的影子。克萊斯勒2011年的銷量表現(xiàn)非常搶眼,很可能使它成為下這份榜單明年的強(qiáng)力競爭者。


????The king is dead. Long live the king.

????Volkswagen motored its way to the top of this year's list of the most admired automobile manufacturers, nosing out longtime winner BMW. Voters apparently took note of VW's new-found interest in the U.S. market, highlighted by the opening of an assembly plant in Chattanooga, TN, and the emergence of VW's Audi brand as a bonafide contender in the super-premium market.

????With Daimler's Mercedes-Benz holding on to its third place ranking in the survey, German manufacturers scored a trifecta -- and added more grease to the slide of Japanese automakers. Toyota regained its footing by moving up in the ranking from seventh to fourth, but Honda continued its inexplicable decline by plunging to eighth place from fifth. Nissan, the third member of the Japanese Big Three, remained anchored to the bottom of the list.

????Among American manufacturers, Ford strengthened its claim on global competitiveness by moving up one notch to fifth. And General Motors continued to shake off the lingering effects of its 2009 bankruptcy by climbing two spots to seventh. Notably absent from this year's list is Chrysler, whose sparkling sales performance in 2011 is likely to make it a strong contender in 2012.

1. Volkswagen



????VW got everybody's attention last year with its loudly-proclaimed determination to return to a position of influence in the U.S. market. Enthusiasts scoffed at its efforts to pander to American buyers with blander designs at lower prices, but customers didn't, and Jettas and Passats flew out of showrooms. Audi arrived as a style leader for one-percenters when it unveiled its elegant A7 four-door coupe that sells for around $70,000.


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