


Nin-Hai Tseng 2012-04-09

??? 這當(dāng)然有助于改變歷來對現(xiàn)金使用持謹(jǐn)慎態(tài)度的硅谷高管們的心態(tài)。正如已故的蘋果公司首席執(zhí)行官史蒂夫?喬布斯拒絕派息一樣,科技公司寧愿將現(xiàn)金留著用于可能的收購和其他投資。從某種角度而言,增加派息事實上說明公司可能對未來發(fā)展缺乏足夠的規(guī)劃。但在像今天這樣的經(jīng)濟(jì)環(huán)境中,此類說法已經(jīng)不再那么有說服力了,因為當(dāng)前利率正處于歷史低點,現(xiàn)金儲備不太可能給公司帶來太多的回報,但卻仍在不斷增長。

????說句公道話,美國企業(yè)界已經(jīng)開始不那么把錢袋子攥得緊緊的了。標(biāo)準(zhǔn)普爾(Standard & Poor's)上周二報告,今年前三個月,凈股息同比增長了27.6%,達(dá)到242億美元。第一季度有677家公司提高了派息,較2011年同期的510家公司增長了32%。

????“第一季度股息情況非常不錯,實際現(xiàn)金派息增長超過11%,期貨走勢預(yù)示股息率將達(dá)到歷史新高,不管是否將蘋果計算在內(nèi),”S&P Indices的高級指數(shù)分析師霍華德?希爾弗布拉特在一份聲明中稱。




????This certainly helps build the case for changing the mentality of Silicon Valley, where leadership has historically been cautious with their cash. And like the late Apple CEO Steve Jobs, who resisted giving dividends, tech companies would rather save cash for possible acquisitions and other investments. In a way, raising dividends might actually signal companies aren't planning enough for future growth. Such arguments become less convincing during economic environments like today's, since cash reserves keep rising and aren't likely returning much for companies at a time when interest rates are at record lows.

????To be fair, companies have started relaxing their purse strings. During the first three months this year, net dividend increased by 27.6% to $24.2 billion over the same period during the previous year, Standard & Poor's reported Tuesday. There were 677 dividend increases during the first quarter, a 32% rise compared with the 510 increases during the same period in 2011.

????"Dividends had another great quarter, with actual cash payments increasing over 11% and the forward indicated dividend rate reaching a new all-time high, with or without Apple," said Howard Silverblatt, S&P Indices' senior index analyst in a statement.

????To be sure, he adds, payout rates remain historically low. The percentage of net income paid out in dividends, which historically averages 52%, remains near its lows at under 30%.

????It remains to be seen where dividends go this year, but thus far they're off to a good start. Perhaps a small boost in consumer spending will come next.

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