


Stephen Gandel 2012-04-12


????過去幾個月里,幾乎每家華爾街大行都任命了新的投行或其他核心業(yè)務(wù)的主管。高盛(Goldman Sachs)和花旗(Citigroup)這兩家大行對董事會人員作出了大幅調(diào)整。德國金融巨頭德意志銀行(Deutsche Bank)近日在將投行業(yè)務(wù)主管安舒?賈恩擢升為公司聯(lián)席首席執(zhí)行官之后,又對整個管理層進行了大調(diào)整。


????今年迄今為止,美國銀行(Bank of America)、德意志銀行、瑞士信貸(Credit Suisse)和瑞士銀行(UBS)都已任命了各自投行業(yè)務(wù)的新主管?;ㄆ熘卣虾笸鹊牟①彉I(yè)務(wù)部,為該部門新任命了一名聯(lián)席主管。該行還有一位新的董事會主席邁克爾?奧尼爾到任??偛课挥谙愀鄣膮R豐銀行(HSBC)也任命了新的并購業(yè)務(wù)主管。法國興業(yè)銀行(Societe General)去年曾受到傳言拖累,稱它已經(jīng)淪落到需要救助的地步。如今,據(jù)報道其投資銀行業(yè)務(wù)也已開始由一個全新的銀行家團隊打理。高盛在歐洲也進行了一些調(diào)整,任命了該地區(qū)被稱為融資和資本市場業(yè)務(wù)的新主管。而且,這波銀行高管人事變動潮并非僅限于受到金融危機打擊的大型國際銀行。在獨立投行Evercore擔任美國投行部門負責人的埃杜爾多?米斯特里2月末宣布將離職。迄今Evercore都沒有宣布他的繼任者人選。


????這些新的人員任命可能也標志著華爾街業(yè)務(wù)重心的轉(zhuǎn)移。上個十年的大部分時間里,華爾街銀行的很多利潤來自于債券承銷和交易。到2005年左右,債券交易員和來自銀行債券業(yè)務(wù)部門的銀行家們開始掌管金融機構(gòu)大量的業(yè)務(wù)部門。這種統(tǒng)治看來已經(jīng)終結(jié)。整個世界早已過度杠桿化了。而且《多德-弗蘭克法案》(Dodd-Frank) 等監(jiān)管規(guī)定增加了銀行通過交易賺取大量利潤的難度。另外,債券交易員們也并沒有證明,自己就是管理華爾街風險的最佳人選。Capstone Partnership的負責人、華爾街頭號獵頭拉爾夫?科普蘭稱:“固定收益人員把持華爾街是場血腥災(zāi)難?!?/p>

??? There are a bunch of new butts to kiss on Wall Street.

??? In the past few months nearly every Wall Street firm has named a new head of either its entire investment bank or one of its key businesses. Two big banks, Goldman Sachs (GS) and Citigroup (C), have made significant changes to their boards of directors. German financial giant Deutsche Bank has recently overhauled its entire management ranks following the promotion of its head of investment banking, Anshu Jain, to co-CEO.

??? "It's unusual to have this many changes at the top of investment banking organizations," says Wall Street recruiter Russ Gerson. "There has been a fundamentally significant change going on Wall Street."

??? So far this year, Bank of America (BAC), Deutsche, Credit Suisse and UBS have all named new heads of their investment banks. Citigroup has shaken up its lagging mergers and acquisition by naming a co-head of that division. That bank also has a new chairman of its board, Michael E. O'Neill. Hong Kong-based HSBC also has a new head of its mergers practice. French bank Societe General, which last year was dogged by rumors that it might need a bailout, reportedly has an entire new team of bankers running its investment bank. Goldman has also made some changes in Europe, with a new head of so-called financing and capital markets in the region. And it's not just the large global banks that were battered by the financial crisis changing up their management. Eduardo Mestre, who had headed up U.S. investment banking at boutique firm Evercore, said he was giving up the role in late February. Evercore has yet to name his replacement.

??? Wall Street recruiters say there are a lot of reasons for the management shuffle on Wall Street. First of all, it was overdue. While nearly every bank fired its CEO during the financial crisis or leading up to it, many investment banking chiefs were able to hang on. Now, with the prospect of new business for Wall Street growing with a stock market that has been rising until recently, those executives are being pushed out, or moving on as well.

??? The new appointments also likely mark a shift on Wall Street. For much of the past decade, banks made much of their money from underwriting and trading debt. By the mid-2000s, debt traders and bankers from the firm's bond divisions came to run many of the businesses at financial firms. That reign appears to be over. The world appears to be over leveraged already. And Dodd-Frank and other regulations are making it tougher for banks to generate a lot of income from trading. What's more, debt traders didn't turn out to be the best at managing Wall Street's risks. "The fixed-income takeover of Wall Street was a bloody disaster," says top Wall Street recruiter Rolfe Kopelan, who heads up the Capstone Partnership.

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