


Wenguang Huang 2012-04-13




????其次,大多數(shù)在美國(guó)反響很好的好萊塢電影同樣也能在中國(guó)和日本取得成功。但很可惜的是,除了李安導(dǎo)演的《臥虎藏龍》(Crouching Tiger and Hidden Dragon)和吳宇森導(dǎo)演的《赤壁》(Red Cliff)之外,中國(guó)電影還無(wú)法在國(guó)際市場(chǎng)受到青睞。而且《臥虎藏龍》和《赤壁》還都是合拍片。中國(guó)巨制影片和影星在國(guó)外市場(chǎng)并未受到廣泛關(guān)注。






Fortune: Why did you decide to come to invest in Hollywood?

Wu: First, with the development of the Chinese economy, the entertainment expenditure has gone up dramatically. The Chinese movie market is moving at an unprecedented pace. The box office sales surged about 40% to $2.1 billion last year, the third-largest in the world. I'm sure it'll surpass Japan and become the second-largest this year. By 2015, the ticket sales in China might reach $5 billion. At the moment, the infrastructure is being built and enhanced. The number of screens will increase from the current 6,200 to more than 16,000 in 2015. We lack good movies to attract people to fill the theaters.

????Second, most big Hollywood movies that work well in the U.S. are equally successful in China and Asia. Unfortunately, it doesn't work in reverse, with the exceptions of directors Ang Lee's Crouching Tiger and Hidden Dragon and John Woo's Red Cliff, both of which were actually co-productions. Big Chinese movies and stars aren't seen as widely outside China.

????Third, investing in Chinese films is still a risky business, much riskier than elsewhere because the Chinese film industry lacks infrastructure and a workable system. Many filmmakers are operating in the old production studios and their productions are not cost effective. In addition, I haven't seen any good business models. As a result, many Chinese investors have lost money. That's why I've come to Hollywood.

What kind of projects is Harvest Seven Stars Media Fund targeting?

????We hope to operate in three areas - mergers and acquisitions, distribution in Asia and movie content through joint partnerships with studios and individual filmmakers. As you can see, the first two deals we have announced are all related to creative content. We are eager to provide funding for well-established studios and well-known filmmakers in the U.S. and create US-China co-productions that are globally acceptable and popular.

????In the near future, we intend to build two platforms. One is the finance platform -- making direct equity investment in existing studios. The other involves a centralized marketing platform -- building a distribution channel or providing marketing access to the Asian market for major international studios. At a time when ticket sales in North America and Europe are declining, Asia has tremendous potential. We'll team up with our Hollywood partners and build a consolidated Asian distribution platform. For our own content, we can leverage the Asian market and our Hollywood peers can supplement us with their European and American distribution networks.

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