


Doron Levin 2012-05-03


????當(dāng)然,菲亞特也并不是真的分文不花就得到了克萊斯勒。菲亞特在收購(gòu)克萊斯勒后,的確向后者貢獻(xiàn)了它的技術(shù)和知識(shí)產(chǎn)權(quán)。其中最主要的貢獻(xiàn)就是從菲亞特引進(jìn)的阿爾法羅密歐(Alfa Romeo)平臺(tái),克萊斯勒基于該平臺(tái)生產(chǎn)了最新的緊湊車型道奇達(dá)特(Dodge Dart)。這款將于今夏上市的新車也許將是對(duì)剛剛恢復(fù)元?dú)獾目巳R斯勒最大的考驗(yàn)。



????為了讓這款小車成功上市,馬爾喬內(nèi)著實(shí)投入了不少血本。光是為了研發(fā)菲亞特的阿爾法羅密歐茱麗葉(Alfa Romeo Giulietta)所用到的技術(shù)架構(gòu)就起碼花了兩三億美元的研發(fā)資金。另外考慮到美國(guó)司機(jī)中心寬體胖者不在少數(shù),克萊斯勒又花了幾億美元用來擴(kuò)展該平臺(tái)的機(jī)械架構(gòu),同時(shí)從內(nèi)到外全面開發(fā)達(dá)特轎車的設(shè)計(jì)。同時(shí),中國(guó)的廣汽菲亞特也將借用相同的架構(gòu),在中國(guó)推出一款名叫“菲翔”(Fiat Viaggio)的轎車。盡管達(dá)特轎車令克萊斯勒付出了不少,但這種在中美市場(chǎng)同時(shí)推廣的方式倒也省下了不少銀子。


????達(dá)特取代了之前停產(chǎn)的道奇酷博(Caliber)。酷博的目標(biāo)客戶主要是那些預(yù)算緊張但又有些特立獨(dú)行的年輕人?!斑_(dá)特”這個(gè)名字上一次被道奇使用還是在1976年。這款新車型將主要與福特(Ford)??怂购脱┓鹛m科魯茲(Chevrolet Cruze)進(jìn)行競(jìng)爭(zhēng)。它預(yù)計(jì)將在今夏上市,起價(jià)約在16,000美元左右,高性能的R/T版的價(jià)格大概會(huì)達(dá)到22,500美元。

????A good estimate for the value of Chrysler, the smallest and in some ways most distressed of the Detroit Three, is the sticker price the U.S. Treasury slapped on the window three years ago: $0.

????Well, not quite $0. Italy's Fiat Auto, which took over running Chrysler, did contribute its technology and intellectual property to the merger. One key element Fiat brought to the deal was its Alfa Romeo architecture used for the 2013 Dodge Dart, Chrysler's new compact sedan. The Dart, which goes on sale in the U.S. this summer, may be the biggest test for the rebounding company yet.

????To be sure, Chrysler has come a long way since it took $11.2 billion in federal bailout funds in 2009. The company just reported its best quarter in more than 13 years, earning $473 million, more than quadruple what it took in in the year-earlier period. In fact, executives said that it was the biggest quarterly profit made since 1998. Better yet, the auto maker is well on its way to making its full-year profit target of $1.5 billion.

????Chrysler boss Sergio Marchionne has orchestrated a spectacular first act largely through clever cover-up, retrofitting existing models with plush interiors and making surgeon-like nips and tucks to formerly dowdy sheet metal. That helped goose an 80% increase in sales outside of North America during the last quarter and swell domestic market share to 11.2%, up from 9.4% a year earlier. But the Dart is Marchionne's biggest new undertaking yet.

????The sprightly little Dart has cost a lot to bring to market. The architecture used in Fiat's Alfa Romeo Giulietta, on which it is based, cost at least a couple hundred million dollars to develop. Chrysler spent a few more hundred million to stretch the mechanical underpinnings to accommodate the corporal largesse of American drivers and to develop the Dart's design, inside and out. The same architecture will be used in China for a Dart-like sedan called the Fiat Viaggio. As much as it has cost, the collaboration is saving bundles of capital.

????The question now is whether the new model will be the hit the Chrysler Fiat alliance needs in the compact segment in the U.S. The Dart "is the first true indication of what these companies can develop together, a bellwether. So far the reactions I've heard are very positive," says Aaron Bragman, a senior analyst for IHS in Northville, Michigan. "The execution has to be flawless. There can't be problems or glitches in the launch, but there's less risk of this than ever before."

????The Dart replaces the discontinued and unlamented Dodge Caliber. The Caliber was a car aimed at younger, budget-minded buyers looking for a bit of attitude. The Dart is a name last used by Dodge in 1976. The new model is designed to compete primarily against Ford's (F) Focus and Chevrolet's (GM) Cruze. Its price will start at about $16,000 and rise to $22,500 for a high-performance R/T version, which will be available later this summer.

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