


David A. Kaplan 2012-05-04


????雖然與Facebook有實(shí)際聯(lián)系的潛在購(gòu)房者僅占硅谷全部買家的一小部分,但他們對(duì)市場(chǎng)的心理影響卻是毋庸置疑的。特別是在被馬克?扎克伯格稱為家的Facebook總部所在地帕洛阿爾托(Palo Alto),賣家們要么選擇在IPO之前暫停銷售房屋,要么大幅提升了他們的期望值。房產(chǎn)中介機(jī)構(gòu)BrokerMetrics公司提供的數(shù)據(jù)顯示,在2012年第一季度,帕洛阿爾托市獨(dú)戶型住宅的中間價(jià)上漲了11%,庫(kù)存則下降了57%。


????這反過來(lái)產(chǎn)生了一個(gè)庫(kù)存問題,進(jìn)而驅(qū)動(dòng)房屋售價(jià)進(jìn)一步上漲?!叭ヅ谅灏柾刑越穑 苯衲瓿?,德雷福斯供職的精品住宅經(jīng)紀(jì)公司的網(wǎng)站上出現(xiàn)了這樣一條留言。德雷福斯表示,“城里每家房產(chǎn)經(jīng)紀(jì)公司都握有一長(zhǎng)串買家清單,你幾乎能感受到即將在春天到來(lái)的火熱景象。大批買家將蜂擁而至,少得可憐的房源根本無(wú)法滿足他們的需要。”


????Facebook效應(yīng)正在硅谷周圍創(chuàng)造另一個(gè)新興的景象:秘密出售。美國(guó)房地產(chǎn)房源共享系統(tǒng)(Multiple Listing Service,簡(jiǎn)稱MLS)一直是美國(guó)人出售房屋的主流渠道。但許多富裕的房主不想在屋前草坪上豎起“待售”標(biāo)牌,也不想把房屋地址公開在經(jīng)紀(jì)公司的房源清單上或者在網(wǎng)上發(fā)布自家臥室的照片。因此,一些經(jīng)紀(jì)公司繞過MLS系統(tǒng),轉(zhuǎn)而使用自己的渠道搜尋潛在買家?!昂佟覟槟銣?zhǔn)備了一套房子!”《帕洛阿爾托周報(bào)》(Palo Alto Weekly)最近發(fā)布的一則消息使用了這樣一個(gè)毫無(wú)諷刺意味的標(biāo)題。這篇報(bào)道配發(fā)了大量住宅照片,其中一棟位于扎克伯格的新家不遠(yuǎn)處,是一套7,732平方英尺的殖民地風(fēng)格住宅(“售價(jià)還不到900萬(wàn)美元!”),另一棟建于1929年,售價(jià)1,150萬(wàn)美元的地中海風(fēng)格住宅則位于喬布斯家正對(duì)面,



????Facebook's looming public offering may mark high water in confidence around Silicon Valley these days. And it is surely is going to make a lot of techies very rich, likely in a few weeks. But there's a smaller, barely noticed effect of the IPO: an already hyperventilating local real estate market that's now going bonkers.

????Though the number of actual prospective home buyers with Facebook connections is only a fraction of all buyers in the Valley, their psychological effect on the market is unmistakable. In Palo Alto, in particular -- which Mark Zuckerberg calls home --sellers are either keeping their homes off the market until the IPO or ramping up expectations. For the first quarter of 2012, according to BrokerMetrics, the median price of a single-family P.A. home went up 11%, whereas inventory declined 57%.

????One broker, Michael Dreyfus, tells a story. He had a client with a house in Old Palo Alto -- one of the town's best neighborhoods (where Steve Jobs lived) -- and advised the client a few months ago the house would likely sell between $2.8 million and $3 million. Thinking that too conservative, the client priced it at $3.5 million. The unexceptional 3,500-square-foot home sold two months later for nearly $3.9 million. "The locals are all gaga over Facebook and how much their houses are going to be worth," Dreyfus says. "And they're holding their houses off the market."

????That in turns generates an inventory problem, which drives prices up further. "Palo Alto Gold!" declared a post earlier this year on the website of Dreyfus's boutique residential brokerage. "Every real estate agent in town has a long list of buyers and you can almost feel the preparation for a spring frenzy. The hordes of buyers are going to overwhelm our meager supply."

????But if the Facebook offering doesn't perform as well as expected -- and this week the company reported revenues were down -- then the housing market could face "a great big crash," according to Dreyfus. If the homeowners who are now waiting put their homes on the market anyway, worried over further declines, the market would go down more. If that happened, it could be the sign that the long-prognosticated bubble in the Valley may finally have appeared -- and burst.

????The Facebook effect may be creating another burgeoning phenomenon around the Valley: secret sales. The Multiple Listing Service (MLS) has always been the mainstream way to sell your house in the U.S. But many wealthy homeowners don't want FOR SALE signs up on the front lawns or their addresses in public brokerage listings—or photos online of the master bedroom. So some brokers bypass MLS and use their own contacts to hunt for possible buyers. "Pssst…Have I got a house for you!" reads a recent unironically intended headline in the Palo Alto Weekly, The story comes complete with unprivate photos of that lovely 7,732-square-foot Colonial not far from Zuck's new place ("just under $9 million"!) or the 1929 Mediterranean for $11.5 million just across the street from Jobs's house.

????One estate currently for sale by Dreyfus is on the private market for what he says will be the most expensive ever sold in Palo Alto -- more than a record $15 million. He might want to tell you more about it, but he can't. Even the price is private.

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