


Cyrus Sanati 2012-05-09



????所以,全美航空要想獲得成功,就必須向負(fù)責(zé)監(jiān)督美航破產(chǎn)的債權(quán)人委員會(huì)提供一份極具說(shuō)服力的方案,因?yàn)樵撐瘑T會(huì)對(duì)于美航的最終命運(yùn)具有極大的影響力。委員會(huì)九名成員中,三名來(lái)自美航公司的工會(huì)組織,所以,至少目前來(lái)說(shuō),全美航空已經(jīng)得到了三張贊成票。另外三位成員是美航公司的無(wú)擔(dān)保債權(quán)人,他們自然希望在最短的時(shí)間內(nèi)做成最劃算的交易。最后三名成員分別來(lái)自退休金福利擔(dān)保公司(Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation)、波音公司(Boeing)和惠普公司(Hewlett-Packard)。





????US Airways continues to have a contentious relationship with its own employees. Perhaps no one was more surprised by how swift US Airways was able to come to an agreement with American's unions than its own unions. US Airways pilots have been pushing for a wage increase for years and have been negotiating a new contract with management since December of 2009. The flight attendants are also negotiating with the airline as their contract ran out in November of last year.

????But US Airways claims the $1.25 billion in synergies that will come out of the merger reflects an increase in pay for its employees, which would bring them in line with American employees. It also claims that it would not significantly cut routes or eliminate capacity as a result of the merger, either. So for all this to be true, US Airways must be anticipating high revenue synergies through stronger growth or fatter profit margins. Unfortunately, there is little to no evidence that merged airlines end up experiencing significantly stronger growth rates relative to the rest of the industry.

????So for US Airways to be successful it will need to present a very convincing plan to the creditors committee overseeing American's bankruptcy, which has a big influence on whether the airline merges or flies solo. Three of the nine members of the committee are representatives from American's unions, so US Airways can claim them, at least for now. Three represent American's unsecured creditors, so they will want the best deal they can can get in the shortest amount of time possible. The rest of the committee is made up of one member from the Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation, Boeing, and Hewlett-Packard, respectively.

????US Airways has been down this road before when it unsuccessfully tried to snap up Delta in bankruptcy. In that case, US Airways presented a plan that saw greater benefits flowing down to the members of the creditors committee with promises of strong revenue synergies. While it was on paper a better plan than the one presented by Delta's management, it was also considered riskier. There was concern that those revenue synergies would never materialize and that the government could challenge the merger on anti-trust grounds. And US Airways would have started the long and painful merger while Delta was still in bankruptcy, pushing back the date at which the creditors would get paid.

????This time, US Airways has three votes right off the bat. It is hoping to use that leverage to convince the other creditors that they will be able to quickly integrate the two companies so that they won't have to wait much longer to get paid than if they went with American's plan.

????It is now up to American to diffuse the situation and possibly bring more money to the table to appease its unions. With American's unions by its side, US Airways' plan looks far more actionable than it would if it went in alone. The difference between the plans right now appears to be just $190 million. American is expected to present its bankruptcy plan to the courts in a couple of weeks but it could get an extension to stretch out the process for several months. American may need to give in a bit to win its unions back, but not too much. If it is too weak, the airline could wind up right back in bankruptcy court in a few years.

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