


Doreen Lorenzo 2012-05-15

- 利用消費(fèi)者數(shù)據(jù)來預(yù)測未來的消費(fèi)者需求,不光是解決他們目前想要什么。市場研究公司Gartner將“情境和社交用戶體驗”列為2012年最重要的科技趨勢之一。這也許聽起來太術(shù)語化了,但想想Gartner的定義,這很有意義,特別是在“膜拜自我”時代。Gartner 表示,“情境和社交用戶體驗”指的是利用個人數(shù)據(jù)“預(yù)測用戶需求,主動提供最適合和定制的內(nèi)容、產(chǎn)品或服務(wù)”的軟件系統(tǒng)。不光是注意到,比如,消費(fèi)者正在購買比以往更多的無線鍵盤,或許你的公司可以用這些系統(tǒng)預(yù)測他們希望下次采購鍵盤時能增加哪些特色,從新的色彩到更符合人體工程學(xué)的外型等等。Gartner預(yù)測到2013年底,這樣的預(yù)測系統(tǒng)將大行其道。使用這些系統(tǒng)的企業(yè)也會蒸蒸日上。

- 鼓勵所有員工進(jìn)行創(chuàng)造和分享,供內(nèi)部研究。要知道,你的員工也是變身創(chuàng)作者的消費(fèi)者。了解他們的業(yè)余習(xí)慣和個人興趣,能快速獲得洞見,用于產(chǎn)品開發(fā)。這可以很簡單,讓來自各個部門和各個層級的員工在內(nèi)部或外部博客上、甚至公司的Facebook頁面上貢獻(xiàn)自己的原創(chuàng)想法——不限形式,鼓勵員工分享自己原創(chuàng)的想法。在Frog,我們推出了一個“酷愛”計劃,鼓勵員工創(chuàng)造和分享視頻、網(wǎng)絡(luò)文章以及他們個人感興趣的各種主題的信息。我們常常會衡量這些個人創(chuàng)意計劃的受歡迎程度和可行度——比如一個員工在業(yè)余時間創(chuàng)作了一個精美實(shí)時的Twitter統(tǒng)計數(shù)據(jù)可視化軟件,可以反映人們是通過何種方式、于哪些地點(diǎn)在Twitter上說了些什么。如果我們覺得有價值的話,就會動用公司的營銷等資源支持這樣的原創(chuàng)作品。這樣,我們能找到具有潛力的新產(chǎn)品,而員工也能獲得回報,這種方式非常有吸引力,并深具激勵性。



- Use consumer data to anticipate consumers' future needs, rather than merely address what they want now. Market researcher Gartner named "contextual and social user experience" as one of 2012's biggest tech trends. If you think that's a jargony term, it is. But consider how Gartner defines it, and it makes sense, especially in the Cult of Me era. "Contextual and social user experiences" refers to software systems that use data on individuals to "anticipate the user's needs and proactively serve up the most appropriate and customized content, product, or service," according to Gartner. Rather than note that consumers are buying, say, more wireless keyboards than ever before, perhaps your company can use these systems to predict they'll want certain types of additional features for their next keyboard purchase. This could range from new colors to more ergonomic shapes. Gartner predicts that through 2013, such predictive systems will thrive. Businesses that use these systems will, too.

- Encourage all employees to create and share for internal research. Remember, your staff is made up of consumers-as-creators. Learning about their extracurricular habits and personal interests can garner proprietary and quick insights that can be used for product development. This can be as simple as having employees from all departments and levels contribute their own, original ideas to internal or external blogs, or even the company's Facebook page—all formats that encourage the sharing of ideas along with an employee's direct ownership of these ideas. At frog, we've launched a "passion" initiative, where employees are welcome to create and share videos, online posts, and other materials about subjects they are interested in personally. We often gauge how popular and feasible some of these personal creative initiatives are—such as a beautiful, real-time data-visualization on how, where, and what people post on Twitter, created in an employee's spare time. Then, if it makes sense to, we help support such original new work with our company's marketing and other resources. It's a fascinating and motivating way for us to seek out potential new products that's also rewarding for employees.

????In conclusion, it's key to pay attention to how and what everyday people are interested in creating to get a better understanding of the Cult of Me. It's one thing to simply observe and note the current trendiness of DIY ingenuity. But the smartest executives will also learn to channel Cult of Me thinking to guide their companies in bringing to market new products and services based on keen observations of what consumers create as they fashion their own, individual Cults of Me.

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