


Cyrus Sanati 2012-05-22




????我們可以理解為什么俄羅斯急著控制、加快對(duì)失事原因的調(diào)查。因?yàn)槿绻{(diào)查結(jié)果顯示是某種設(shè)計(jì)缺陷導(dǎo)致了失事,它對(duì)俄方的損失將是難以估量的。另外在調(diào)查結(jié)束之前,潛在客戶也很可能暫停簽訂該機(jī)的采購(gòu)合約,影響俄方的生產(chǎn)日程。另外由于該型客機(jī)是蘇聯(lián)(the Soviet Union)解體后的第一架民用飛機(jī),因此客戶很可能也會(huì)對(duì)其它處于設(shè)計(jì)階段的俄制客機(jī)心生芥蒂。

????不過這并不意味著俄羅斯航空業(yè)走到頭了。俄羅斯總統(tǒng)普京把航空業(yè)的復(fù)興當(dāng)成了提升民族自豪感的一個(gè)重要工具,而且已經(jīng)為此投入了數(shù)十億美元的資金。另外,像圖波列夫(Tupolev)和伊留申(Ilyushin)等前蘇聯(lián)飛機(jī)制造廠一度曾是波音(Boeing)和空客(Airbus)的勁敵。只是隨著冷戰(zhàn)(the Cold War)于1992年結(jié)束,前蘇聯(lián)航空業(yè)因?yàn)槿狈Y金而難以為繼。

????Russia's dream of resurrecting its moribund commercial aircraft industry has been put on hold following last week's spectacular crash of its shiny new prototype. But while the accident appears to solidify the commercial aviation duopoly controlled by Boeing and Airbus, the Russians, as well as other new competitors in the field like the Chinese, shouldn't be written off just yet. With strong government support and billions of dollars at their disposal, the new start-ups are determined to grab a piece of the lucrative and growing market for commercial aircraft.

????The fiery crash of Russia's newly designed Sukhoi Superjet 100 regional aircraft last week in Indonesia has shaken the tightly knit commercial aviation industry. In addition to being a human tragedy -- 45 people lost their lives -- the crash was also a marketing disaster for Russia's revamped aviation industry. The crash occurred on a demonstration flight as part of a carefully scheduled six-nation Asian road show. Onboard were journalists, aircraft consultants and representatives from a number of Indonesian airlines who were looking to add the Russian-made jet to their growing fleet.

????Indonesian officials say that an investigation into the cause of the crash would take at least four months and could last as long as a year given the remote location of the crash site. The Indonesian government has refused the Russian government's request to transfer the plane's black box and flight recorder to Moscow, saying that it wants to ensure a fair an objective investigation into the cause of the crash.

????It is understandable why Russia wants to control and speed up the crash investigation. It has a lot to lose if it is determined that a design flaw of some sort was responsible for bringing down the jet. Potential customers will most likely hold off from signing any new agreements to purchase the plane until the investigation is complete, putting a dent in Moscow's production timetable. And since the plane is Russia's first new commercial aircraft since the fall of the Soviet Union, the fear is that customers will probably be wary of taking a peak at other new Russian jets on the drawing board.

????But this isn't the end of the road for Russia's aerospace industry. President Vladimir Putin considers the resurrection of the industry as a point of national pride and has committed billions to the cause. Russian aircraft makers like Tupolev and Ilyushin were at one time true competitors to Boeing (BA) and Airbus. But when the Cold War ended in 1992 funding to the industry dried up.

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