


Daniel Roberts 2012-05-23




????一年前,逸林員工駕著一輛運(yùn)食品的卡車走遍全美,四處贈送免費(fèi)美食,以慶祝啟用巧克力曲奇25周年。這一次,戶外帳篷活動在曼哈頓啟動,隨后將蔓延到美國其他地區(qū),一直持續(xù)到11月。新宣傳活動以科技與社交媒體為主題,但仍然離不開車輪子,一輛寶馬Mini Cooper“愿望車”將讓粉絲們用Twitter向他們發(fā)“小事”(#littlethings)消息。“我們正嘗試將其從街頭活動升級為整合營銷事件。”格林里夫解釋道。



????"Freeeee cookie!" squeals a pedestrian, to no one in particular, after receiving one from a woman in a green DoubleTree t-shirt. The yelp-inducing giveaways in New York City's Flatiron Plaza were part of the hotel chain's so-called "little things project," an outdoor marketing event this week involving a large tent, iPads, magnetic speech bubbles, and, of course, the cookies.

????Hilton acquired DoubleTree -- Marriott and Sheraton are among its main competitors -- in 1999. But just a year ago the chain underwent a rebranding process, including a new logo and longer name: DoubleTree by Hilton. John Greenleaf, vice president of global brand marketing, claims that awareness of DoubleTree has doubled since the rebranding took place. DoubleTree opened 40 new hotels globally in 2011 and plans to open over 50 in 2012. (Hilton is owned by private equity giant Blackstone.)

????The cookies, meanwhile, have been a staple of checking into a DoubleTree since the 1980s. The company is pushing to remind travelers that its staff gives out a warm cookie at check-in. "The cookies are just part of what we're doing, bringing the return of the human touch to travel," Greenleaf says.

????A year ago, DoubleTree drove a food truck around the country, delivering free treats to celebrate the 25-year anniversary of its chocolate chip cookie. This time, an outdoor tent event kicked off in Manhattan but will continue across the country until November. The new campaign is centered around technology and social media, though it still has wheels. A Mini Cooper "swarm car" will deliver the "little thing" fans tweet to them. "We're trying to take it more from just a street event to an integrated marketing effort," Greenleaf explains.

????It was with some trepidation I approached the tent. Under the forest-like canvas bubble was: a check-in desk where you receive your cookie and $25 gift card toward a DoubleTree stay, lounge area, counter with iPads on which people can enter a contest, and in the middle of it all, something the company is calling the "tell-me tree." Suspended in the tree, a small TV displays tweets using the #littlethings hashtag. There was also free wi-fi inside the tent.

????A greeter explained, "We're asking people to share with us the little things they like when they're traveling!" I pointed out, "Well, you mean when I'm staying at a hotel." She said, "No, anything relating to travel." I played devil's advocate: "But what if my little thing involves flying? You can't help with that." "Well," she said, a bit aggrieved, "We can, uhm, do our best."

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