


Daniel Roberts 2012-05-23







????I wrote down "I'd like less turbulence on flights." She encouraged me to stick the magnetic speech bubble onto the side of the counter, which indeed was covered in responses: iPhone charger in the room, greet me with a smile, cold water bottle waiting. Carlisle Campbell, from PR-firm Ketchum, exclaimed: "People are loving this, and the answers have been everything from a softer pillow to free wi-fi to a hot flight attendant."

????Of course, your hotel can't offer you a "hot flight attendant" because, well, it's not an airline. What it can offer you is free wi-fi, but DoubleTree, for now, does not: it's free in the lobby, in public spaces, and to its Honors club members, but not in rooms. After this whirlwind tour, with the vast majority of answers (both in-person and on Twitter) being requests for wi-fi, is it likely DoubleTree will begin offering it free in all rooms? Campbell would only say, "After the tour, we will definitely be assessing what people want and, perhaps, making changes."

????To be fair, the point of a bonanza like this isn't really to improve the hotels, but to announce to people that they exist. That part worked on Jakob Skjold-Jorgensen, 26, a tourist visiting New York from Denmark with his girlfriend. "Titte!" he yelled to her after ducking inside the tent, "Chocolate chip cookie!" Jakob guessed, "They're probably trying to fetch new customers. The cookie is good."

????A cookie is indeed good, but it's no guarantee it will lead someone to think, when they next book a trip, 'Ah, I should stay at a DoubleTree, they have those nice cookies." But maybe. And the $25 gift card is a more concrete enticement. 10,000 cookies prepared for the day were almost all gone by quitting time at 5 p.m. (Some 200 more were baked for delivery to the local Ronald McDonald House last night, which was the nearest DoubleTree hotel's local charity of choice.)

????In Who Cares Wins, a book about social media and corporate responsibility, Havas CEO David Jones posits that in the new marketing world of "radical transparency," companies should remember that, "attention can no longer be bought. It must be earned." Certainly on Wednesday DoubleTree earned the attention of pedestrians in the crowded Flatiron district. Michael Hu, visiting from Chicago, said, "This thing looked so weird I had to come check it out."

????But did it gamer attention on Twitter, the engine fueling this entire effort? Throughout the day, there were very few organic tweets about the #littlethings campaign that did not come from DoubleTree's account or from PR people associated with the effort. In addition, #littlethings is a rather common hashtag across Twitter, used by people to express anything from how their day went to petty aggravations.

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