


Richard Nieva 2012-05-29






????勇士隊(duì)的另一老板萊科布同樣在技術(shù)界頗有人脈,他是硅谷傳奇投資公司凱鵬華盈(Kleiner Perkins Caufield Byers)的合伙人。硅谷未來(lái)學(xué)家兼斯坦福大學(xué)(Stanford)工程學(xué)院咨詢(xún)教授保羅?薩夫表示:“如果凱鵬華盈的合伙人掌控球隊(duì),閉著眼睛都能想到,他一定會(huì)向所有律師事務(wù)所施加壓力,所有凱鵬華盈幫助上市的新創(chuàng)企業(yè)也不會(huì)放過(guò)?!?/p>

????San Francisco is likely getting a new toy. This week, the NBA's Golden State Warriors announced their intentions to move the Oakland-based team across the bay to San Francisco, complete with plans for a swanky new arena. Yes, the team stressed it would need the cooperation of civic leaders to build the arena in time for its expected move-in date of 2017. But, once it's built, the team will need another group even more: the tech community.

????The new $500 million arena, to be built along the city's waterfront on piers 30 to 32, is a stone's throw from the offices several marquee web brands including Twitter, Yelp (YELP), and Zynga (ZNGA). Those are the kinds of companies that will have to fill luxury suites and buy corporate tickets.

????"This is the tech world right here," said Peter Guber, co-executive chairman of the Warriors, during press conference on the future building site. Joe Lacob, the team's other chairman, at least has a sense of humor about how much help they'll need. This NBA season marked the Warriors' 50th anniversary in the Bay area. "With the cost of this arena, it may take us 50 years to pay it back," he quipped.

????The financial upside of an arena in the city seems obvious for the sports team. Commerce in the region flows out of San Francisco, and it will be a lot more convenient for tech bigwigs to hold events and entertain guests at a game on their side of the peninsula. "Now we can get all the tons of startups out there who didn't want to drive over the bridge from Oakland," says Greg Uhrik, manager of corporate and premium development for the Warriors. "Getting the tech world was definitely one of the intentions in moving to the city." Uhrik is in charge corporate sponsorships and sales of VIP and corporate season tickets and luxury suites.

????He declined to share specifics on what Silicon Valley companies currently have corporate relationships with the team, though he says almost all of the big tech companies have accounts. (Eddy Cue, Apple's (AAPL) senior vice president of Internet software and services, has often been seen at Warriors games.) Uhrik did however mention one notable absentee. "Twitter is out there [in San Francisco]," he says. "They don't do anything with us now, but I'm sure they will. I'm going to try to get them to."

????Co-owner Lacob also has personal tech ties that could serve him well; he's a partner at legendary Silicon Valley investment firm Kleiner Perkins Caufield Byers. "If a Kleiner partner owns the team, you can count on the fact that they'll be putting the squeeze on all the law firms, and on all the startups that they've helped go public," says Paul Saffo, a Silicon Valley futurist and consulting professor at the Stanford engineering school.

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