


John O'Farrell 2012-06-14


????— 威廉?莎士比亞,《麥克白》

????這是探討戰(zhàn)略性業(yè)務(wù)開發(fā)之重要性的系列文章的結(jié)局篇(前四部分參見 I, II ,III and IV)。







????But screw your courage to the sticking-place, and we'll not fail.

????— William Shakespeare, Macbeth

????This is the final post in a series dealing with the importance of strategic business development (Here are Parts I, II, III and IV).

????In my last post, I described how, at Opsware, we would step back from the fray about once a year to go through a strategic review of our situation with the board. In November 2005, our conclusion was to keep on building an independent company, but in early 2007 another review led us to a different conclusion. Our business was strong, but meeting quarterly expectations was difficult and the market wasn't rewarding us for the growth and leading market position we had achieved. We were at a decision point: Plow even more money into R&D and sales expansion or explore a sale. We decided to explore a sale, but only if we could achieve a top-dollar price for our shareholders.

????The dance begins: May 2007

????Our February update meetings with the major enterprise IT players had piqued their interest and led to several follow-ups. The key was to get someone to set an initial price. On May 22, we went back to the Opsware board with an update. A company we'll call Company 1 had just offered to buy the company for $11/share. That was a 38% premium—good, but not exceptional. Once again, we discussed the opportunities, risks and shareholder value implications of continuing in the business. We debated long and hard: What was our number?

????We decided to send a strong message to anyone considering us as a target: We told Company 1 that the Board had rejected its $11/share offer and would not give serious consideration to any new offer below $14/share. For good measure, we took the opportunity to notify the other companies who'd followed up with us (HP and several others) that we'd received an offer but were not interested in discussing any deal below $14. Since that was a 75% premium over our current price, Company 1, HP and everyone else told us they were out. We sent all of them letters requesting the return or destruction of any information we had shared. Those brief dreams of exit seemed to be just that—dreams. We went back to the slog of making yet another quarter.

????Then, almost a month later, the CEO of Company 1 came back offering $13.25/share. Yes! We were getting close to our magic number! We reconvened the board for a serious, fact-based discussion of staying the course versus selling in this price range. Our analysis suggested we would have to grow revenues at least 75% annually to exceed $15/share. That seemed impossible—Wall Street consensus was 28%.

????In addition to upside opportunities, we discussed the risks of staying standalone. (Note #6, macroeconomic slowdown: We had no idea how real a risk that would turn out to be just months later.)

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