


Tory Newmyer 2012-06-18

????大家都知道,我們目前正身處超極分化的時(shí)代。如今美國(guó)人在政治立場(chǎng)方面的分歧遠(yuǎn)甚于在種族或階級(jí)方面的分歧,而這正是皮尤研究中心(Pew Research Center)最近進(jìn)行的一項(xiàng)調(diào)查向我們所揭示的一個(gè)新情況,雖屬意料之中,但也可謂是前所未有。


????其中有些分歧我們憑直覺(jué)就能理解:民主黨人喜歡觀看“動(dòng)物星球”頻道(Animal Planet),而共和黨人則喜歡選擇歷史頻道(History Channel)。其他一些分歧則比較費(fèi)解:民主黨人喜歡溫迪(Wendy's)快餐店以及美國(guó)橄欖球大聯(lián)盟(NFL),而共和黨人則喜歡賽百味(Subway)及美國(guó)職業(yè)棒球大聯(lián)盟(Major League Baseball)。



????他認(rèn)為,在選擇所喜歡的專業(yè)體育運(yùn)動(dòng)方面也有同樣的動(dòng)因在起作用。共和黨人之所以更加喜歡棒球運(yùn)動(dòng),不僅僅是因?yàn)樗恰暗氐赖拿朗襟w育運(yùn)動(dòng),”而且還因?yàn)樵擁?xiàng)體育運(yùn)動(dòng)的中央管理機(jī)構(gòu)更趨向于采取不干涉的立場(chǎng),允許球員薪酬之間出現(xiàn)巨大差異,從而導(dǎo)致諸如紐約洋基隊(duì)(Yankees)、費(fèi)城人隊(duì)(Phillies)及波斯頓紅襪隊(duì)(Red Sox)等超級(jí)強(qiáng)隊(duì)相繼崛起。而相比之下,NFL“更加民主,更加遵從法定程序,更加趨向于由中央管理機(jī)構(gòu)集中控制?!?/p>

????這是一個(gè)具有煽動(dòng)性的論點(diǎn),辛格也承認(rèn)這個(gè)論點(diǎn)純屬猜測(cè)。但他得到了科學(xué)依據(jù)來(lái)支持這個(gè)結(jié)論。Buyology的此項(xiàng)調(diào)查并不是第一個(gè)試圖對(duì)黨派立場(chǎng)在品牌偏好上的反映進(jìn)行解讀的嘗試。比如,汽車調(diào)研機(jī)構(gòu)——美國(guó)戰(zhàn)略視野公司(Strategic Vision)最近進(jìn)行的一項(xiàng)調(diào)查發(fā)現(xiàn),在選擇汽車方面,民主黨人關(guān)注燃油經(jīng)濟(jì)型【他們的首選是:本田思域(Honda Civic)混合動(dòng)力車】,而共和黨人則喜歡車型龐大而且馬力強(qiáng)勁的汽車【他們的首選是:福特野馬敞篷車(Ford Mustang)】。


????Everybody knows we're living in hyper-polarized times. The American people are more divided today by political affiliation than even race or class, an unprecedented if unsurprising development exposed by a recent Pew Research Center study.

????Now we've got proof those differences spill over heavily into what both Democrats and Republicans like to eat, watch, and drive. A new survey from the neuro-insight firm Buyology, released exclusively to Fortune, shows the two sides divided over a majority of 200 brands across a range of categories.

????Some of the splits make intuitive sense: Democrats like to watch Animal Planet, while Republicans click over to the History Channel. Others are tougher to figure: Democrats prefer Wendy's (WEN) and the NFL, Republicans go for Subway and Major League Baseball.

????A common thread, Buyology CEO Gary Singer posits, is whether consumers would rather cede decision-making power to a central authority -- a Democratic tendency -- or see that power distributed, the favored Republican approach.

????Take chain restaurants. At Wendy's, menu options are prepackaged into meals, and customers typically order by number; Subway patrons, on the other hand, are practically forced to customize their meals as they walk their sandwiches down an assembly line. "What Democrats are responding to is somebody smart making choices for them that makes their lives better and easier, and fundamentally what Republicans are responding to is the ability to make an individualized choice," Singer says.

????He sees the same dynamic at work when it comes to professional sports. Republicans have a deeper connection to baseball not simply because it's "as American as apple pie," but also because the sport's central authority is more hands-off, allowing huge payroll gaps that have engendered the rise of super-teams like the Yankees, Phillies and Red Sox. The NFL, by contrast, "is more democratic, more legislated, more centrally controlled."

????It's a provocative thesis, and Singer acknowledges its simply conjecture. But he's got science to back up the results. The Buyology study is not the first to try to decipher how partisan allegiance reflects on brand preference. A recent study by auto-research firm Strategic Vision, for example, found when it comes to cars, Democrats favor fuel-efficiency (their top pick: the Honda Civic Hybrid) while Republicans go for size and power (top pick: the Ford Mustang convertible).

????But Singer's effort breaks ground by using neuro-marketing techniques to plumb respondents' subconscious minds, where researchers believe they can see past cognitive noise to reveal people's true feelings. The method involved asking 4,000 respondents to answer quickly -- think Malcolm Gladwell's Blink -- and tossing replies that were either too slow or suspiciously fast. In each category, respondents chose between every possible head-to-head match-up of the included brands, so what emerged was a ranking of their connection to each, from first to last.

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