


Don Tapscott 2012-06-18






????但是大眾的力量何在?“我們”何在?2008年勝選之后“我們”就杳無音訊了。安德魯?拉希奇是追蹤技術(shù)與政治交叉領(lǐng)域的組織“個人民主媒體”(Personal Democracy Media)的創(chuàng)始人,他抱怨說:“他們建立了總統(tǒng)競選歷史上最大的在線社區(qū),勝選后卻對該社區(qū)不聞不問”,直到最近才想起來打電話,但目的也只是為了索取獻金。


????Here's a question for President Barack Obama's re-election team. It could influence the outcome of this year's election: How do they get the "we" back?

????We all remember how Obama broke new ground in the 2008 campaign by using social media as a powerful political tool. Obama's campaign created an expansive Internet platform, MyBarackObama.com, that gave supporters tools to organize themselves, create communities, raise money and induce people to not only to vote but to actively support the Obama campaign. What emerged was an unprecedented force, 13 million supporters connected to one another over the Internet, all driving toward one goal, the election of Obama.

????When they chanted "Yes We Can," it wasn't just a message of hope for the future; it was a confirmation statement of collective power. They weren't waiting to be told what to do; they were actively engaged, calling friends to come to events, to learn what was at stake, contribute ideas, and help out in some way. The power of "we" was awesome to behold. The "we" not only raised hope for people; it raised unprecedented sums of money for the old-fashioned campaign on the ground.

????But this time, "Yes We Can" has been replaced by a new modus operandi for the Obama campaign: "We know you."

????The Democrats are investing heavily in so-called Big Data to give them significant new insights into the everyday behavior of each one of their supporters. Big Data allows companies, or political campaigns, to probe and analyze information about you -- your friends, your shopping habits, what type of events you go to and when, what issues you care about. With this information, they can presumably be more accurate in sending messages out over email, or in identifying the trigger points that send you to events and get you to donate money.

????But whatever happened to power of the people? Whatever happened to the "we"? We haven't heard about it since the 2008 victory. "They built the largest online community in the history of the presidency," says Andrew Rasiej, founder of Personal Democracy Media, which tracks the intersection of technology and politics. "But then they stopped talking to them and engaging them" -- that is, until they called in recently with a pitch for money.

????Obama did make some efforts to be the first Internet president, with a Twitter feed, a blog, and the Internet version of the traditional town hall. He launched an open government initiative with the aim of cutting the influence of special interests and giving the public more influence over decisions that affect their lives. Compared with other governments around the world, the U.S. government sets the gold standard for openness.

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