


Dave McClure 2012-08-01





????倘若梅耶爾現(xiàn)在用雅虎作為“天字第一號(hào)講壇”,應(yīng)對(duì)一個(gè)約占全球網(wǎng)民一半數(shù)量(甚或更多)的受眾群體的需要,那將會(huì)怎樣呢?倘若雅虎開始收購(gòu)或聯(lián)手一些對(duì)女性具有獨(dú)特影響力的資產(chǎn),比如照片分享網(wǎng)站Pinterest、女鞋專營(yíng)網(wǎng)站ShoeDazzle、設(shè)計(jì)師品牌特賣網(wǎng)站Gilt Groupe、專業(yè)育兒網(wǎng)寶寶中心(BabyCenter)、《奧普拉》(Oprah)、《人物》(People)、工藝品專營(yíng)網(wǎng)站Etsy、艾倫?德杰尼勒斯和瑪莎?斯圖爾特的媒體王國(guó)(或BritMorin.com),那又將會(huì)怎樣呢?

????雅虎是否可以考慮聯(lián)手從事醫(yī)療保?。ㄈ鏓coMom)、職業(yè)咨詢(如Daily Muse)、理財(cái)顧問(如Daily Worth)、兒童活動(dòng)(如ActivityHero)等業(yè)務(wù)的初創(chuàng)企業(yè),以及像PicCollage這樣的照片拼貼網(wǎng)站?

????倘若雅虎重新拾起它對(duì)于媒體和娛樂的愿景,收購(gòu)票務(wù)服務(wù)商EventBrite、視頻網(wǎng)站Hulu或Netflix,甚或特別令女性著迷的社交游戲網(wǎng)站 Zynga,又會(huì)出現(xiàn)什么情形?





????因此,瑪麗莎,在你執(zhí)掌“老紫色”(Old Purple)之際,請(qǐng)容許我給你提一個(gè)大膽的建議——大膽構(gòu)想,跳出窠臼,著眼于粉色(即女性)。

????然后把“老男孩網(wǎng)絡(luò)”(Old Boy Network)打得找不著北。

????本文作者戴夫?麥克盧爾是種子投資集團(tuán)500初創(chuàng)企業(yè)(500 Startups)的創(chuàng)始合伙人。這篇文章最初發(fā)表于他的個(gè)人博客。


????I'd like to write a different Open Letter to Marissa Mayer. One that plays to both her strengths, as well as those of Yahoo (YHOO). It's a bit off the wall, but if you think it thru with me, I bet you'll agree with the strategy.

????Yahoo has struggled for the last six to seven years – with what it stands for, who's running the show, how to keep its employees, how to compete with Google (GOOG), and how to take advantage of its amazing assets in content, communications, and community around the world. The last really bold move Yahoo made was probably acquiring Flickr (aside from turning down the Microsoft acquisition offer, or the previous hire of Carol Bartz). Yet by tapping Marissa Mayer as its new CEO, there is still a way for the company to remain relevant, and even perhaps regain some of its former glory.

????The answer is simple: Focus on WOMEN.

????I'm sure you think I'm being both foolish and sexist with this statement, but consider Yahoo's strengths. It still has huge audience that visits every day for content that appeals to women: Fashion, family, shopping, entertainment, etc. In addition to these properties, Yahoo is also strong in email, chat, images and communications, with frequent and broad usage all over the world.

????Now what if Marissa used Yahoo as a bully pulpit, to address the needs of a market that is roughly 50% or more of the global Internet population? What if Yahoo began acquiring or partnering with properties specifically relevant to women, like Pinterest, ShoeDazzle, Gilt Groupe, BabyCenter, Oprah, People, Etsy, Ellen Degeneres and Martha Stewart (or BritMorin.com).

????What about working with startups doing healthcare & wellness like EcoMom, career advice like Daily Muse, finance education like Daily Worth, children's activities like ActivityHero and photo sites like PicCollage? (sorry shameless 500 Startups plugs there)

????What if Yahoo went back to its vision for media and entertainment, and acquired services like EventBrite for ticketing, Hulu or Netflix (NLFX) for video, and perhaps picked up Zynga (which appeals to mostly women) for gaming?

????What if Marissa made it known that Yahoo would be the best tech company in the world for hiring women execs, putting women in leadership positions and advancing opportunities for women in the workplace (as Sheryl Sandberg is so well-known for promoting at Facebook)?

????What if Yahoo expanded its international advantages by focusing on half the world's population that is still discriminated against, disadvantaged and even dis-empowered in many growing developing nations? Wouldn't that be an awesome way to appeal to women globally, and be the torchbearer for women's issues and content around the world?

????While this may sound extreme, this is the Niche To Win strategy writ large. By narrowing its focus to women, Yahoo can beat the pants off its competitors. Both Google and Facebook (FB), run by the geekiest and nerdiest of men, are clearly out of their element when faced with how to address the female customer.

????And consider that in previous acquisition discussions, Yahoo was always at a disadvantage to other platform giants – but now, wouldn't any woman-focused startup prefer to join Yahoo, run by a woman, led by women execs and focused on women customers?

????So Marissa, let me suggest you make a bold move as you take Old Purple by the reins – think BIG, think DIFFERENT, and think PINK.

????Then go beat the living crap out of the Old Boy Network.

????Dave McClure is founding partner of seed investment group 500 Startups. This post originally appeared on his blog.

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