


Bill Powell 2012-08-06


????過(guò)去一年中,江西賽維(LDK Solar)的股價(jià)下跌了80%,尚德電力(Suntech Power Holdings)的股價(jià)下跌了87%。包括天合光能(Trina)和英利(Yingli)在內(nèi)的其他中國(guó)知名太陽(yáng)能企業(yè)的股價(jià)表現(xiàn)也幾乎同樣慘不忍睹。



????4年后的今天,中國(guó)太陽(yáng)能產(chǎn)業(yè)已經(jīng)成為一臺(tái)不折不扣的資本摧毀機(jī)器,一些最知名的公司正在急迫地尋找救生索。7月12日,江西新余市(位于上海西南部415英里處,江西賽維公司總部所在地)政府表示,政府?dāng)M動(dòng)用財(cái)政資金償還賽維公司拖欠華融國(guó)際信托有限責(zé)任公司(Huarong International Trust Co.)的1.18億美元貸款。今年5月份,江西賽維在提交給美國(guó)證監(jiān)會(huì)(SEC)的一份文件中寫道,如果無(wú)法改善其融資渠道,該公司或許無(wú)力“持續(xù)經(jīng)營(yíng)下去”。

????The numbers of so awful that you can hardly believe your eyes. Punch up any of the major China based solar energy companies and take a look (unless of course you've been, God help you, a long-term holder of these stocks, in which case you already know all too well what the charts show).

????LDK Solar (LDK), down 80% in the past year, Suntech Power Holdings (STP) down 87%. The numbers for other big Chinese names, Trina and Yingli among them, are almost as bad.

????But don't stop there. Go back four years or so, and look at where these stocks were trading then. For a brief moment at the beginning of 2008, Suntech traded at over $80 a share. Eighty dollarsa share! Earlier this week, after a conference call in which it alleged it had been defrauded to the tune of 554 million euros, possibly threatening its ability to make future debt payments, it dipped under $1.00. LDK Solar once traded at over $60 per share. Now it's $1.39. On and on we could go with all the other alleged Chinese powerhouses in the supposed industry of the future.

????These are epic, historic collapses in market valuation, made all the more stunning by the assumption, so prevalent just four years ago, that "clean" energy's time had come. How ironic it is that Barack Obama's insistence that the United States invest government money into the creation of so called "green jobs" -- which led to the debacle of Solyndra and other wasted investments -- was predicated on the fact that if the U.S. didn't do so, the industry of the future would be Made in China. A credulous political press, egged on by the environmental lobby, swallowed the reasoning wholesale.

????So now we sit, four years later, and China's solar energy industry has become nothing less than a capital destruction machine, with some of its most prominent companies now desperately flailing for lifelines. On July 12, the municipal government in Xinyu, a town in Jiangxi province, 415 miles southwest of Shanghai, where LDK has its headquarters, said it would cover the $118 million debt it owes a Chinese bank, the Huarong International Trust Co. In May, LDK said in an SEC filing that if it couldn't improve its access to funds it might be unable to remain a "going concern."

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