


Jack Hidary 2012-08-10

????美國辦公用品公司史泰博(Staples)的市值很可能將出現(xiàn)顯著下降。另外兩家辦公用品公司歐迪辦公(Office Depot)和麥克斯辦公用品公司(Office Max)的市值過去幾年均已跌至5億美元以下。有充分證據(jù)顯示,史泰博的市值在中期可能也會出現(xiàn)重大損失。




????史泰博的業(yè)務(wù)的確包括一個服務(wù)領(lǐng)域——復(fù)印和打印業(yè)務(wù)。但是金考快印(Kinkos)以及Vistaprint和Mimeo等在線印刷商早已把這個服務(wù)領(lǐng)域商品化了。最近史泰博還克隆了百思買(Best Buy)的“極客小隊”(Geek Squad)模式,提供自己的“易科技”(EasyTech) PC升級與維修服務(wù)。問題是,史泰博的服務(wù)在價值鏈上爬得不夠高,還不能給公司帶來太多的利潤。目前,它在服務(wù)領(lǐng)域的大多數(shù)工作僅限于簡單維修或安裝廉價的內(nèi)存條。史泰博必須迅速行動,避免自己遭到商品化和競爭的雙重打擊。





????另外,史泰博通過自己的配銷中心獲得更大效益的唯一希望卻被亞馬遜收購走了。這家被亞馬遜收購的Kiva Systems公司專門生產(chǎn)用于包裝和貨運的機械臂。亞馬遜收購Kiva后,不僅可以控制這些機械臂的定價,還可以限制它們對史泰博的正面影響。鏈接中是史泰博自己的證言。



????Staples may be heading for a steep decline in value. Office Depot (ODP) and Office Max (OMX) have already plunged in the last few years to sub-$500 million market caps. There is ample evidence that Staples could also lose substantial value in the mid-term.

????First, let's consider its core business: office supplies. The recession and the rise of digital platforms have led to a 24% decrease in the use of paper across the US in the last three years. Many other office items depend on the paper chain: folders, binders, clips, file cabinets, etc. Despite taking market share from its competitors, Staples (SPLS) has only been able to eke out a 1.5% revenue growth rate this past year. Compare that with same-store sales growth of 2.6% for Wal-Mart (WMT) stores on a base that is more than ten times the size of Staples.

????The mission of Staples is to be the best office supply company in the world. That is a misguided goal in today's times. Instead, Staples should immediately leverage its corporate business and transition to services and value-added products in the way that IBM (IBM) did. When IBM realized that its hardware was commoditized, it transformed itself into a services company under the leadership of Lou Gerstner. By shedding its PC division to China's Lenovo, IBM was able to refocus on a higher-margin service business. IBM now commands a $230 billion market cap and a core position in business tech services.

????(A Staples spokesperson did not respond to request for comment for this piece.)

????The one service area that Staples does offer -- photocopying and print services -- has long been commoditized by Kinkos (FDX) and now online suppliers such as Vistaprint and Mimeo. Staples has also recently tried to copy Best Buy's (BBY) Geek Squad model with its EasyTech PC upgrade and repair offering. The problem is that the services it offers do not climb far enough up the value chain to generate substantial margin. Most of the work is limited to simple fixes and installation of inexpensive memory chips. Staples will have to move very quickly to save itself from this double barrel shotgun of commoditization and competition.

????Next, let's break down the revenue streams at Staples:

????1. North American Delivery: This division supplies office material to large companies on contract and in bulk volume. While this unit avoids the cost of retail outlets it will be increasingly squeezed on margin and will suffer declines in core product categories as digitization continues to take hold. Staples commercial customers are looking for savings wherever they can find them. For example, many companies are now implementing forced limits on computer printing.

????2. North American Retail: With an extensive store footprint across the US, Staples is a sitting duck for e-commerce. True, it is making a valiant attempt to capture some of those e-commerce dollars with its own site, but this is outweighed by the massive infrastructure of running a multi-thousand SKU retail operation.

????Amazon (AMZN) and other pure-play e-commerce sites will continue to gain market share. With Amazon's prime service of free shipping, what advantage is there to buying supplies at Staples? Amazon now plans to wipe out the last remaining benefit of offline retail -- the ability to have the item at the time of purchase -- by building out local distribution centers that will deliver frequently ordered goods the very same day.

????Furthermore, Amazon just bought one of the last hopes for Staples to gain efficiency in its distribution centers: Kiva Systems. Kiva makes the robots that bring 200% to 400% efficiency gains to pick-pack and ship operations. Now that Amazon owns Kiva, it can control pricing of these robots and limit their upside impact at Staples. Here is a testimonial from Staples itself.

????Amazon will probably not make any immediate move on this front to squeeze Staples. Yet, it surely will keep the best distribution center technology for itself even as Staples will now pay Amazon for last year's models.

????1. International Operations: This unit has swung to a loss over the last year. International operations in retail businesses are notoriously difficult to manage. You open yourself up to a myriad of local competitors and do not have the fungibility of a global services organization to reposition assets quickly. Inventory can become a nightmare overnight. Furthermore, some countries are now heading into the digital age with even faster adoption rates than the US. Mobile adoption in Brazil, as an example, has obviated the need for many traditional desktop computing and printing supplies.

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