


Peter Suciu 2012-08-16
Ouya游戲機(jī)的設(shè)計師們原打算在融資平臺Kickstarter上募集90萬美元。然而最終它們募得了800多萬美元,一躍成為成為技術(shù)界最受熱議的設(shè)備制造商。它不僅價格低廉,而且還計劃免費(fèi)提供游戲,同時還將向所有獨(dú)立游戲開發(fā)者開放,有望沖擊微軟Xbox 360、索尼PlayStation 3以及任天堂的Wii,改變游戲市場的現(xiàn)狀。



????Ouya的支持者(目前共有64,416人)顯然認(rèn)為這個想法很有前途。剛剛獲得資金支持的Ouya宣布,新游戲機(jī)有望于明年三月上市。咨詢公司DFC Intelligence的分析師喬治?克尼斯稱:“通過Kickstarter網(wǎng)站來開發(fā)一個全新的硬件平臺,這絕對是個新穎的點(diǎn)子。最終籌集到的850萬美元徹底震驚了我們。一般情況下,我們會認(rèn)為這類游戲機(jī)產(chǎn)品純屬異想天開?!?/p>

????事實(shí)上,Ouya并不是第一家嘗試開發(fā)開源視頻游戲主機(jī)的公司。它的不同之處在哪?那就是,幾乎沒有一家公司哪怕堅(jiān)持到了原型階段。例如,Indrema 曾打算推出基于Linux開源系統(tǒng)的L600 Entertainment System游戲機(jī)。不過,這家公司除了生產(chǎn)新聞稿,幾乎沒拿出任何東西。Ouya則大不一樣,它已經(jīng)籌集到了資金,獲得了廣泛的關(guān)注,而更為重要的是,一些知名公司已經(jīng)和它達(dá)成了合作意向。

????Ouya得到了《最終幻想》(Final Fantasy)系列開發(fā)商Square Enix和《刀魂》(Soul Calibur)系列開發(fā)商N(yùn)amco Bandai的支持,因此一些高品質(zhì)作品的推出成為可能。這對于吸引付費(fèi)玩家至關(guān)重要。克尼斯認(rèn)為:“如果他們能為Ouya帶來一些AAA級的大制作,那么其價格確實(shí)對大眾玩家非常有吸引力。當(dāng)然,想在成熟市場站穩(wěn)腳跟絕非易事,一場艱苦卓絕的戰(zhàn)爭在所難免。”



????任何懂Android編程的人都可以直接在Ouya上開發(fā)游戲,這一點(diǎn)與微軟(Microsoft)Xbox 360、索尼(Sony)PlayStation 3或是任天堂(Nintendo)的Wii都不同,后三者都需要游戲開發(fā)者使用特定的軟件開發(fā)套件才能進(jìn)行游戲開發(fā)。

????當(dāng)然,這也可能加劇競爭?!斑@個特點(diǎn)使得準(zhǔn)入門檻極低,可能會有人闖進(jìn)來,然后擊敗他們,”咨詢公司M2 Research的首席分析師比利?皮金警告稱。“雖然這個舉動迎合了開源市場,但我預(yù)計會出現(xiàn)其它基于Android的娛樂系統(tǒng)?!?/p>

????同樣,不難看到,Ouya這樣的游戲系統(tǒng)可能很容易被內(nèi)置到電視中,而不僅僅是連接到電視上。調(diào)研公司IHS Screen Digest最新發(fā)布的《游戲情報服務(wù)洞察力報告》(Games Intelligence Service Insight Report)指出,全球消費(fèi)者在聯(lián)網(wǎng)電視上玩視頻游戲的支出到2016年將增至16億美元,而就在2012年,該數(shù)字僅為8,800萬美元。只需一個小小的飛躍,Ouya就可以內(nèi)置到聯(lián)網(wǎng)電視中,后者的數(shù)量將從2012年的1億部增至2016年的8億部。烏爾曼稱:“我們相信盒式游戲機(jī)只是過渡產(chǎn)品。它將來會被電視內(nèi)置芯片和處理器取代。”



????It could be the ultimate high score. Hardware start-up Ouya began a Kickstarter campaign earlier this year hoping to raise $950,000. In the end, it generated enough excitement to bring in more than $8.5 million.

????The Los Angeles, California-based startup with the funny sounding, vowel-laden name aims to upend the traditional console gaming market by selling a low-cost gaming system. Based on Google's (GOOG) Android operating system, the system will feature a quad-core processor, 1GB of RAM, 8GB internal flash storage, HDMI and Wifi connections as well as a wireless controller. Ouya won't be in the business of selling discs -- unlike Microsoft (MSFT), Nintendo (NTDOY) and Sony (SNE). Instead, the company will adopt the app store model that has made Apple's (AAPL) products into a gaming phenomenon.

????Ouya's backers -- of which there are currently 63,416 -- certainly think the idea has merit. The newly funded company announced that it is on track to deliver the console in March of next year. "The idea of starting a new hardware platform via Kickstarter is definitely a new idea and we are impressed with the final $8.5 million tally," says George Chronis, analyst with DFC Intelligence. "Normally we would dismiss such console products automatically as just another attack on windmills."

????In fact, Ouya is not the first company to attempt creating an open source video game console. The difference? Few that tried even made it to the prototype stage. The Indrema L600 Entertainment System was to be based on the Linux open source operating system, for example, but the company produced little beyond press releases. Ouya by contrast has raised money, massive amounts of interest and most importantly has lined up crucial partnerships.

????With support from publishers such as Square Enix, the developer of the Final Fantasy series, and Namco Bandai, the developer of the Soul Calibur franchise, the system could line up some quality titles. That will be crucial to attract paying players. "If they can get some knockout AAA titles for the Ouya, they do have a price point to appeal to the masses," added Chronis. "Of course, it is a major uphill battle to get any type of traction with these types of devices in established markets."

????But Ouya reportedly is looking to do more than just get traction. It is looking to change the way the games are played by changing the market. "What we did is challenge the status quo of the video game market," says Julie Uhrman, CEO at Ouya, who noted that the company is avoiding the traditional console development cycle by not using custom hardware, and offering a more affordable system in the process. "For less than the cost of two games on traditional hardware you are getting a system where the games will be free to play."

????Ouya has also made sure that content will be there at launch, a crucial time for any new video game system. Last month Ouya announced a partnership to provide content from the OnLive game streaming service. And every title, every game will be available -- at least as a trial -- for free. "All the games that we're offering have to be free to play," Uhrman stressed. After that it will be up to the developers to determine what revenue stream to adopt, but by making the content-free should discourage piracy while also encouraging independent game development.

????Unlike with Microsoft's Xbox 360, Sony's PlayStation 3 or Nintendo's Wii, which all require game developers to have special software development kits to write software for a game system, the Ouya allow anyone capable of programming for Android to develop games directly from the console.

????That could also open the door for competition, of course. "This presents a very low barrier to entry, someone could come in and knock them out," cautions Billy Pidgeon, principal analyst with M2 Research. "While this plays to the open market, I expect that there will be other entertainment networks that can be built up from Android."

????It also isn't hard to see that game systems such as Ouya could very easily be built into the TV, instead of just connecting to it. According to the recent IHS Screen Digest Games Intelligence Service Insight Report worldwide consumer spending on video games on connected TVs is forecast to grow to $1.6 billion in 2016, up from just $88 million in 2012. It would require only a short leap to see Ouya built into those connected TVs, which could grow from 100 million in 2012 to 800 million by 2016. "We believe the box is temporary," says Uhrman. "We see this going to chips and processors inside the TV."

????Now all that's seems left is for the company to start selling the device. "We upped quantity to 80,000 units," said Uhrman. "Raising more money just means we get to deliver more units on day one." That should in turn create a larger install base, something every console makers must have to succeed. Says Pidgeon, "This system is built on Android, which is robust but is also open. This could be an apparition of where things go from here."

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