


Kevin Kelleher 2012-09-03
新聞集團(tuán)過去十年來在科技領(lǐng)域采取了更多激進(jìn)的行動,包括收購MySpace,推出電子刊物The Daily。然而,新聞集團(tuán)的大膽行動卻罕有回報(bào)。





????Miller will continue to advise Murdoch for another year, but without his leadership, it's not clear who the digital visionary at News Corp. might be. Even if the company backs away from launching or buying new digital-media properties, it must still confront the reality that more of what we once called old media content is going online. Only it's migrating there without a clear, workable business model that can guarantee profits. And it will take a keen and cunning mind to find that business model.

????So who will News Corp.'s digital visionary be? Most likely, Murdoch himself -- a man who has never demonstrated any understanding of how to monetize digital media and whose idea of user-generated content is a dogged campaign to degrade the simple art of tweeting into an exercise inexecutive logorrhea. In the past few days on Twitter, Murdoch's rants have blamed the "free, open uncontrollable" Internet for killing newspapers, blasted Silicon Valley for "few new mind-blowing (sic) innovations" and tittered at Facebook for its "difficulty monetizing to justify (sic) market cap." But after years of heavy investments, which of Murdoch's innovations have blown our minds? Where are his plans to monetize online content? Or, for that matter, his plan to save his own newspapers? Spinning them off seems an admission of defeat to the Internet he loathes.

????It's ironic that Murdoch is sneering at digital media during the very week when his "chief digital officer" is stepping down. Or rather, it's telling. In an era when the Internet is becoming more and more powerful in distributing media, Rupert Murdoch's direction is more unclear than ever.

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