


Michal Lev-Ram 2012-09-07


????9月初,就在陪審團(tuán)判定全球頭號(hào)手機(jī)廠商三星公司(Samsung)侵犯了蘋果公司(Apple)數(shù)項(xiàng)專利,市場(chǎng)的一片嘩然和混亂剛剛落幕之際,哈爾羅便推出了自己的最新舉措——發(fā)布了兩款搭載微軟最新移動(dòng)平臺(tái)Windows 8的時(shí)尚手機(jī)。分析師相信,此次勝訴將會(huì)讓蘋果公司更理直氣壯地起訴其他手機(jī)廠商。盡管一些觀察人士暗示,蘋果公司可能并不會(huì)把搭載微軟系統(tǒng)的手機(jī)放在眼里,但有一點(diǎn)是確定無疑的:這一裁決將迫使手機(jī)企業(yè)對(duì)自己的產(chǎn)品充分差異化,以區(qū)別于iPhone。但是,深陷困境的諾基亞早已錯(cuò)過了消費(fèi)者紛紛改用智能手機(jī)的市場(chǎng)良機(jī),它能推出具備足夠新意的手機(jī)撼動(dòng)蘋果的江湖地位嗎?

????顯然,哈爾羅對(duì)此堅(jiān)信不疑。2010年7月,埃洛普欽點(diǎn)她執(zhí)掌智能手機(jī)的運(yùn)營大任。而她為《財(cái)富》雜志(Fortune)提供了深入公司內(nèi)部的機(jī)會(huì),讓我們得以一窺她為了將諾基亞的最新款智能手機(jī)產(chǎn)品線推向市場(chǎng)而采取了哪些步驟。這一市場(chǎng)試水行動(dòng)首先由Lumia 800和Lumia 710這兩款手機(jī)充當(dāng)先鋒,它們于2011年秋推向全球市場(chǎng)。她說:“要重新吸引人們的關(guān)注,就得有最棒的產(chǎn)品?!彼牡谝徊绞窍蛭④浭緪?。為了確保兩個(gè)公司的隊(duì)伍保持同步,她重新調(diào)整了諾基亞的組織架構(gòu),力求與微軟的Windows手機(jī)部門架構(gòu)相匹配。微軟副總裁兼Windows手機(jī)部門總監(jiān)特里?邁爾森證實(shí)了她的說法:“我信得過她。她也采用了同樣直接、真誠的溝通方式激勵(lì)自己的團(tuán)隊(duì)?!?/p>


????諾基亞在智能手機(jī)上的新戰(zhàn)略能否打開局面還難以很快見到分曉,但這家手機(jī)企業(yè)已經(jīng)獲得了一些提前到來的小小勝利。在哈爾羅的密切督促下,她的團(tuán)隊(duì)已實(shí)現(xiàn)了生產(chǎn)目標(biāo),甚至獲得了一些贊譽(yù)。上個(gè)財(cái)季諾基亞Lumia系列共出貨400萬臺(tái),較前一財(cái)季的銷售量翻了一番。科技博客CNET.com對(duì)Lumia 800的“創(chuàng)新設(shè)計(jì)”和“靚麗屏幕”贊賞有加,但對(duì)這款手機(jī)的拍照和攝像品質(zhì)不無抱怨。最新款的Lumia多出了一些令人印象深刻的性能——特別是屏幕達(dá)到4.6英寸的Lumia 920,它的拍照功能顯著增強(qiáng),可在微光環(huán)境下自如拍攝(請(qǐng)看文末的照片)。




????Since Stephen Elop became CEO of Nokia in 2010 he has made a series of bold moves, from releasing a rally-the-troops memo comparing the flailing mobile-phone maker to a man on a burning platform to hitching the company's future to Microsoft's Windows operating system. His other daring deed? Assigning the crucial task of rebooting Nokia's smartphone business -- and by extension, resuscitating the entire company -- to Jo Harlow, a low-key former marketing manager with scant technical experience.

????Harlow unveiled her latest effort, two sleek new phones built atop the latest version of Microsoft's mobile platform, Windows 8, in early September in the wake of the chaos and confusion surrounding a jury verdict that found that No. 1 smartphone maker Samsung had infringed on several Apple patents. Analysts believe Apple (AAPL) will be emboldened by its win to sue other phonemakers, and while some observers have suggested that Microsoft-fueled phones may not be in Apple's cross hairs, one thing is clear: The ruling will push handset companies to differentiate their products from the iPhone. But can beleaguered Nokia (NOK), which largely missed the consumer shift to smart devices, deliver phones that are innovative enough to unseat Apple?

????Harlow, who was tapped in July 2010 by Elop to run the smartphone business, certainly thinks so. She offered Fortune an inside look at the steps she has taken to bring Nokia's newest smartphone line to market, starting with the Lumia 800 and the Lumia 710, released worldwide in the fall of 2011. "Becoming cool again means having great products," she says. Her first step: to show Microsoft (MSFT) some love. To make sure the teams were in sync, she rearranged her organization to match her partner's Windows Phone unit structure. "I can trust her with what she tells me," confirms Terry Myerson, the Microsoft vice president who heads the Windows Phone division. "She uses that same direct and genuine communication to motivate her team."

????Even as she was building bridges with Microsoft, Harlow was dismantling other operations, including teams that had been working on Nokia's internal operating system, Symbian, which lost out to Windows Phone. She says her most difficult day at Nokia was going out to the company's office in Farnborough, England, to lay off hundreds of engineers. "A big part of my job at that time was restructuring the organization that would remain," says Harlow. "It was a huge challenge, but I believed so strongly that this was the route to a great future for Nokia."

????It is too soon to know whether Nokia's smartphone strategy is a hit, but the handset maker has scored some small, early wins. Under Harlow's watchful eye, her team has met its production targets and even won some plaudits. Last quarter Nokia shipped 4 million Lumia phones, double the number it sold the quarter before. Tech blog CNET.com praised the Lumia 800's "innovative design" and "gorgeous screen" but complained about the device's camera and video quality. The newest Lumia devices pack some impressive features -- especially the 4.6-inch Lumia 920, which comes with a souped-up camera that lets users take pictures in low-light settings (see image at the bottom).

????Harlow says Nokia can play to its strength and differentiate Lumia smartphones with innovations in location-based services (it owns mapping provider Navteq), imaging, and hardware design, including the use of new materials.

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