


Daniel Helft 2012-09-21


????根據(jù)世界銀行(World Bank)的估計(jì),阿根廷的經(jīng)濟(jì)今年仍然可望增長2.2%,不過仍然遠(yuǎn)低于去年將近9%的增長率。

????包括法國服裝品牌鱷魚(Lacoste)和黑莓手機(jī)制造商Research in Motion在內(nèi)的一些公司已經(jīng)在當(dāng)?shù)亻_設(shè)工廠,在該國生產(chǎn)或組裝產(chǎn)品。但對絕大多數(shù)國際品牌來說,阿根廷市場的規(guī)模還不足以支持這樣的行動,更不用說當(dāng)?shù)毓と说墓べY還處于該地區(qū)最高水平。





????"The middle class that demonstrated last week is a key social segment in the country's political makeup," says political analyst Rosendo Fraga. "And this protest shows that those voters are now distancing themselves from the government."

????Argentina's economy is still on track to expand 2.2% this year, according to the World Bank, down from almost 9% in 2011.

????Some companies, such as French apparel company Lacoste and Research in Motion (RIMM), the maker of the Blackberry smartphone, have set up local factories to produce or assemble some of their products in the country.

????But for the large majority of international brands, the scale of the Argentine market does not warrant such a move, especially considering that the wages of local workers are the highest in the region.

????One of the most controversial measures the government imposed last year was to require that companies importing products compensate with exports of their own, prompting unusual partnerships such as a luxury car makers teaming up with local wine exporters or a luxury brand retailer establishing a partnership with a wool-exporting company.

????Carmakers Fiat and Renault this year both had to slow down production due to a shortage of imported parts.

????The controls have left little choice for many international companies – a choice the Fernandez administration must have known would likely happen. So far, though, neither the departure of the global brands nor the dissatisfaction of the Argentine people is enough to matter.

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