


Chip Lebovitz 2012-09-27

????2012年本應(yīng)該是視頻游戲商Take-Two Interactive大獲豐收的一年。今年初,作為游戲界的傳統(tǒng)重量級(jí)作品,《馬克思?佩恩》(Max Payne)系列的最新作品《馬克思?佩恩3》被寄予厚望。但事與愿違,雖然游戲好評(píng)如潮,Take-Two也對其進(jìn)行了公司史上最大規(guī)模的市場營銷活動(dòng),但這款耗時(shí)八年打造的游戲仍陷入叫好不叫座的尷尬境地。

????Take-Two近來時(shí)運(yùn)不佳。截至7月份,公司已連續(xù)第二季度沒能達(dá)到分析師的預(yù)期?!秱b盜飛車5》(Grand Theft Auto V)的上市遙遙無期,該系列是Take-Two最富盛名也是最賺錢的產(chǎn)品。Take-Two不得不把希望都寄托在計(jì)劃于本周上市的科幻西部射擊游戲《無主之地2》(Borderlands 2)上。

????Take-Two公司同時(shí)希望《無主之地》能幫助該公司減少對《俠盜飛車》的依賴。雖然缺乏新作上市,但《俠盜飛車》系列游戲的銷售額仍然占據(jù)了Take-Two 公司2012財(cái)年凈收入的14%。截至2011年9月,《俠盜飛車》系列的總銷量比Take-Two其它游戲銷量總和還要高出2,000萬份,是Take-Two第二暢銷游戲系列的銷量的六倍多。

????《俠盜飛車》系列取得了巨大成功,其研發(fā)工作室Rockstar Games也水漲船高,獲得了獨(dú)一無二的開發(fā)話語權(quán)。Rockstar的開發(fā)周期相當(dāng)漫長(最近一部《俠盜飛車》游戲于2008年上市),無疑推高了Take-Two的總體研發(fā)費(fèi)用。

????韋德布什證券(Wedbush Securities)分析師邁克爾?帕切稱:“(Rockstar)那幫人總是幻想自己是詹姆斯?卡梅?。ê萌R塢導(dǎo)演,代表作有《泰坦尼克號(hào)》、《阿凡達(dá)》等——譯注)。一般的游戲工作室三年就可以開發(fā)出一部作品;不過,Rockstar并不是這樣?!彪m然他們的游戲總是備受好評(píng),但這并不能保證銷量??纯础恶R克思?佩恩3》就知道了。


????《無主之地2》于今年9月上市,距離第一版上市不到3年的時(shí)間。這款游戲有望大賣特賣。咨詢公司Cowen and Company分析師道格?克魯茲認(rèn)為,《無主之地》或?qū)⒊蔀門ake-Two的第三大標(biāo)桿作品,前兩款作品分別是《俠盜飛車》和意大利式西部射擊游戲《荒野大鏢客》??唆斊澐Q:“(上季度)的焦點(diǎn)在Take-Two不盡如人意的營收,這點(diǎn)我們都心知肚明?!稛o主之地2》的熱銷會(huì)讓大家心滿意足?!?/p>




????投資公司BMO Capital的分析師愛德華?威廉姆斯稱,Take-Two和第三方工作室Gearbox一同開發(fā)和發(fā)行《無主之地2》,無疑降低了前者的利潤。視頻游戲行業(yè)的利潤本就大不如前,而《無主之地2》的營收中歸Take-Two的比例也降低了。調(diào)研機(jī)構(gòu)NPD則表示,8月份的行業(yè)銷售額下滑了20%,部分原因在于玩家們正在等待下一代游戲機(jī)上市。

????Take-Two還必須擺脫《俠盜飛車》的陰影。投資公司Ascendiant Capital Markets的分析師愛德華多?胡稱:“Take-Two是《俠盜飛車》公司。雖然該公司的其它作品也不錯(cuò),但影響力與《俠盜飛車》還無法相提并論?!?/p>


????2012 was supposed to be a banner year for video game maker Take-Two Interactive. The spring was supposed to mark the triumphant return of Max Payne, one of the gaming world's traditional heavyweight franchises. But positive reviews, eight years of development, and one of the company's largest marketing campaigns ever couldn't convince gamers to purchaseMax Payne 3, the franchise's latest installment.

????Take-Two (TTWO) had had a rough go of it lately, and in July the company missed analyst's estimates for the second straight quarter. With no release date in sight for Grand Theft Auto V -- the latest sequel to the company's best-known and most profitable franchise -- Take-Two must rely on space western shooter Borderlands 2, which hits shelves this week.

????Take Two is also likely hoping that Borderlands can help the company rely a little bit less onGrand Theft Auto. Despite the lack of updates to the franchise, Grand Theft Auto product sales accounted for almost 14% of the company's net revenue in fiscal year 2012. As of September 2011, Grand Theft Auto titles had sold 20 million more units then the rest of Take-Two's catalogue combined. That's over six times the number of games sold by Take-Two's second most successful franchise.

????This unbridled success has given Grand Theft Auto's in-house developer, Rockstar Games, free reign over the studio's development process. Rockstar takes a considerable amount of time between releasing its games (the latest Grand Theft Auto game was released in 2008), driving up Take-Two's overall development costs.

????"[Rockstar] fancy themselves James Cameron in everything they do," says Wedbush Securities analyst Michael Pachter, "Everyone gets a game out in three years; Rockstar doesn't follow these rules…." And while the studio's games are consistently praised, they aren't guaranteed financial successes. Rockstar produced Max Payne 3.

????At the very least, the success of Borderlands 2 will make or break Take-Two's second quarter. Pachter estimates that Borderlands sales to account for 54% of the company's quarterly revenue. More importantly though is the Borderlands franchise's potential as another long-term source of revenue for the company.

????Borderlands 2's September release date comes a little under three years after the original game was published. The game also has major hit potential. Cowen and Company analyst Doug Creutz sees Borderlands as a potential third anchor franchise for Take-Two, along with Grand Theft Auto and the Red Dead franchises, a series of spaghetti western shooters. "[Last quarter] the focus was on the missing earnings, everyone knows that," Creutz says, "One big hit [Borderlands 2] can pay for everything."

????According to the video game research firm VGChartz, Borderlands 2 is on pace to rack up over 1 million United States unit sales in its first week. That's over double the first-week U.S sales of Max Payne 3.

????Part of Borderlands' potential success has to do with its blend of two popular video game genres, first person shooters and role-playing games. "[Borderlands 2] is a very unique title," Take-Two COO Karl Slatoff said on the company's July 31 earnings call, "There's nothing else like it out there. It's a great window for us."

????Take-Two's stock has soared over 35% since August 1, reflecting, at least in part, growing enthusiasm about Borderlands. Still, despite its hit potential, Borderlands 2 isn't a perfect fit for a Take-Two turnaround game.

????Take-Two must also escape the considerably large shadow of Grand Theft Auto. "Take-Two is aGrand Theft Auto company," say Edward Woo, an analyst at Ascendiant Capital Markets. "While the other games are useful, they don't have as much of an impact."

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