


Alex Taylor III 2012-09-29
2012款 911 卡雷拉 S 敞篷車(上圖)和2013款保時(shí)捷卡雷拉






????為什么會(huì)這樣?為了更好地了解保時(shí)捷成功的奧秘,我與保時(shí)捷北美分公司約好長(zhǎng)時(shí)間試駕兩款最新車型:911卡雷拉S敞篷車(Carrera S Cabriolet)和博科斯特(Boxster)。考慮到保時(shí)捷的運(yùn)動(dòng)基因,我自行設(shè)計(jì)了競(jìng)速計(jì)劃,以更好地檢驗(yàn)每款車的性能。本次試駕結(jié)果如下:

競(jìng)速先鋒:2012款 911卡雷拉S敞篷車






????Is Porsche immune to the laws of supply and demand?

????Item: Despite the global economic slowdown, the luxury sports car maker expects to sell 18% more vehicles in 2012 than in 2011, and it is forecasting another increase in 2013.

????Item: Porsche has pulled off the tricky business of moving beyond its sports car roots into four-doors and SUVs without alienating its devoted followers.

????Item: Turning conventional economics upside down, Porsche's more expensive sports car outsells its cheaper sibling by four to one.

????Item: Porsche's per-car profits are the highest in the industry, with margins three times those of volume producers and nearly double that of some luxury marques.

????Why is this so? To better understand the dimensions of the Porsche mystique, I arranged with Porsche Cars North America to spend some extended time driving two of its newest models: the 911 Carrera S Cabriolet and the Boxster. Given Porsche's racing heritage, I devised my own competition to better examine the merits of each car. Here are my findings:

The contender: 2012 911 Carrera S Cabriolet

????With its Boxer engine mounted behind the rear axle, the 911 is the archetypal Porsche, the third generation of a basic design that was introduced nearly a half-century ago. The new model is longer and wider and festooned with electronic control devices, making it more of a grand touring car, but this 911's 400-horsepower engine, seven-speed manual transmission, and lightening-quick reflexes have enabled it to retain its traditional sporting character. Refined and comfortable, the new 911 handles a weekday commute as easily as a weekend romp.

The challenger: 2013 Boxster

????When 911s got too pricey in the mid-'90s, Porsche developed its younger sibling by moving the engine to the middle of the chassis and fitting the car with a fabric roof. Now fully grown, this year's Boxster is all new, longer and wider, and built with bigger doses of aluminum to keep its weight in check. Putting the Boxster up against its big brother for this drive may seem patently unfair, except that its mid-engine layout makes it sportier and -- many say -- more fun to drive.

The route: Water, redwoods, and wine country

????To devise a route as classy as the cars, I plotted a 1,200-mile drive from San Francisco north to Vancouver, British Columbia. At least the first two-thirds lived up to my expectations. After crossing the Golden Gate Bridge, GPS guided us north on Highway 101 along the wild Pacific coast, then through giant stands of redwoods and in to the geometrically precise vineyards of the Willamette Valley in Oregon. There, we swapped the 911 for the Boxster to make the run up to Seattle and across the Canadian border to Vancouver.

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