


Alex Taylor III 2012-09-29












????With income equality looming larger in the public consciousness, I wondered whether there would be bad vibes in cities like San Francisco and Seattle with large homeless populations. There weren't. I worried, too, that driving 200 miles a day in demanding automobiles over challenging roads might be too much of a good thing. It wasn't, but I was rarely unwilling to quit. And finally, how would I handle those San Francisco hills with a manual transmission? No worries. The 911's hill hold feature keeps the car from rolling backward when the clutch is engaged.


????Enough preliminaries. How did the two cars stack up? Each was striking in its own way. The Carrera was top-shelf trimmed with silver metallic body paint (a $3,140 option) topped by a red canvas roof. Porsche has upgraded its interiors, and the "Carrera Red" leather was succulent (although it added another $4840 to the base price). As for the Boxster, it glowed. Its elegant "Agate Gray Metallic" paint oozed class, and its trim revealed greater attention to details than in the past. This is the first Boxster that doesn't have to make do with hand-me-down doors from the 911. Designers made good use of their new flexibility by adding flourishes like air scoops and character lines that really dress up the car. The Boxster was the winner here.


????Nobody buys a Porsche for car pools, even if a current YouTube clip shows Dad driving his daughter to school in a 911 Cabrio and Mom cruising to soccer practice. Still, if a car isn't comfortable, you aren't going to spend any time in it. The Boxster felt commodious enough -- the front seats were roomy and the car has two smallish trunks, front and rear -- but that's it for storage, since the engine fills the space behind the seat. For its part, the 911 has one larger trunk in front -- accessed with Porsche's maddening hidden lid release -- and two smaller seats in back (technically usable by children). But the 911 also came with keyless start, the best laborsaving device since the motorized antenna. Naturally, Porsche has its own spin: Instead of the usual button, it uses a key blank in the ignition "because it provides a more tactile experience." The 911 won this round.


????Even fill-in NFL refs could have figured this one out: The car with the best route and the most horsepower wins. All the interesting roads ran under the wheels of the 911. There were dozens of hairpins and switchbacks along coastal inlets that required downshifts to second gear, followed by lusty acceleration up to the top of the next hill. In redwood country, the shoulderless two-lane road threaded through groves of enormous trees so close to the asphalt, they were marked by signs and reflectors for the unwary. Seven forward gears and 400 hp -- seemingly excessive under normal conditions -- provided a banquet of benefits. The Boxster, by contrast, made do with six gears and 265 hp, and was forced to cope with miles of knobby I-5 through Washington State on low-profile tires that were both noisy and rough. The 911 won by a landslide.


????The parking valets in San Francisco swooned over the 911, but the best comment came from the immigration official at the border. Since I needed nearly as many letters of transit to get the Boxster into Canada as Victor Laszlo and Ilsa Lund did to escape Casablanca, Porsche provided me with an official document explaining my mission. Upon reading it, the officer handed it back to me with the comment, "I wish my job required me to drive Porsches." This round was a tie.

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