


Caitlin Keating 2012-10-10

發(fā)電足球生產(chǎn)商Uncharted Play





????麥修斯和西爾弗曼最初想到要?jiǎng)?chuàng)立現(xiàn)在的公司Uncharted Play,還是在哈佛(Harvard University)念大三的時(shí)候。兩人在大學(xué)期間都曾游歷海外,發(fā)現(xiàn)不管多窮多落后的地區(qū),當(dāng)?shù)厝硕枷矏?ài)踢球。Uncharted Play的第一款產(chǎn)品SOCCKET足球就著眼于人們對(duì)足球的熱愛(ài):SOCCKET作為便攜式發(fā)電機(jī),可在人們踢球的過(guò)程中儲(chǔ)存能量,日后為電燈、迷你冰箱、手機(jī)等供電。Uncharted Play與非營(yíng)利組織合作,將在2013年2月前在非洲、拉美和美國(guó)國(guó)內(nèi)派發(fā)10,000個(gè)SOCCKET足球。

????今秋,兩位創(chuàng)業(yè)者開(kāi)始了在哈佛商學(xué)院(Harvard Business School)的學(xué)業(yè)?!拔矣袥](méi)有時(shí)間睡覺(jué)?當(dāng)然有——但我今年才24歲,因此如果有件事對(duì)我真的非常重要,我可以犧牲一點(diǎn)睡眠時(shí)間,”麥修斯表示。

????下一步?智能球LUDO,內(nèi)置芯片可以追蹤和記錄踢球時(shí)間,并將這些信息通過(guò)無(wú)線傳輸方式上傳到Uncharted Play的捐贈(zèng)網(wǎng)站The PlayFund。她們的目標(biāo)是創(chuàng)造出一種貨幣,讓發(fā)展中世界的人們能用踢球時(shí)間來(lái)?yè)Q取資源。

Uncharted Play

Founder(s): Jessica O. Matthews and Julia Silverman

Age: 24, 24

School: Harvard University

Graduation: 2011

????Matthews and Silverman came up with the idea for their company, Uncharted Play, while juniors at Harvard. Both had traveled abroad during college and realized that no matter how poor or power-deprived the area, its residents consistently played footie. Uncharted Play's first product, the SOCCKET ball, piggybacks this love of soccer: It acts as a portable generator, storing energy built up during play that can be used later to charge lamps, mini-fridges, cell phones, and more. The company partnered with NGOs and confirmed over 10,000 SOCCKETs for distribution across Africa, Latin America and the U.S. by February 2013.

????The entrepreneurs started at Harvard Business School this fall. "Do I sleep? Not really—but I'm 24 years old, so I can afford to lose a bit of sleep if it means doing something that really matters to me," says Matthews.

????Up next? The LUDO, a smart ball fitted with a chip that tracks and records the hours of play—and wirelessly uploads the information to Uncharted Play's online giving platform, The PlayFund. Their goal is to create a currency, allowing those in the developing world to purchase resources with their hours of play.

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