


Jessi Hempel 2012-10-15
近來,美國電商網(wǎng)站紛紛在傳統(tǒng)零售空間開設(shè)實體店鋪。最近的一個例子是珠寶銷售網(wǎng)站BaubleBar開設(shè)了名為THE BAR的實體店。

????時尚網(wǎng)站BaubleBar在過去兩年建立了忠實的用戶群,這些人已習(xí)慣于在BaubleBar上購買款式多變、價格合理的珠寶。BaubleBar計劃在10月17日邀請顧客前往曼哈頓總部后的THE BAR體驗店親自佩戴珠寶,這座體驗店的面積足有500平方英尺之大。



????所以時尚眼鏡制造商Warby Parker最近也開設(shè)了一家名為SoHo的體驗店,還將一部校車改造成了流動商店,計劃在未來半年內(nèi)前往美國9座城市。此外,Warby Parker計劃在洛杉磯、芝加哥和費城等9座城市的商場內(nèi)開設(shè)體驗店。

????另一個例子是互聯(lián)網(wǎng)時尚男裝品牌Bonobos。去年秋天,這家公司在切爾西總部附近開設(shè)了名為Guideshop的精品店。今年4月,Bonobos獲得了由諾德斯特姆百貨公司(Nordstrom's)牽頭的1,640萬美元投資【還有風(fēng)險投資加速合伙公司(Accel Partners)和光速創(chuàng)投(Lightspeed Venture Partners)】,而且還與其達成了協(xié)議,將在后者超過69家零售店中銷售服裝。一年后,Bonobos在波士頓和帕洛阿爾托開設(shè)了Guideshop精品店,而其芝加哥店也將于10月15日開張。


????BaubleBar希望遵循這一模式。該公司創(chuàng)始人達妮埃拉?亞科博夫斯基以及艾米?賈恩今年都是30歲。幾年前,兩人同在哈佛商學(xué)院(Harvard Business School)讀二年級時,產(chǎn)生了創(chuàng)辦珠寶公司的想法,該公司出售的項鏈、耳環(huán)和手鐲價格一般在20到120美元之間。他們發(fā)現(xiàn),與服裝或鞋子相比,大多數(shù)消費者對珠寶商的品牌沒那么在意。因此,百貨商場競爭憑借的是利潤率,而非銷量:他們壓低價格,從許多規(guī)模較小的設(shè)計師那里采購珠寶,然后以高得多的價格將產(chǎn)品賣出。


????Fashion site BaubleBar has spent two years building an avid group of fans who turn to the site to sift through a fast-changing array of hip jewelry sold at reasonable prices. On October 17, the company will invite customers to try on that jewelry in person -- at THE BAR, a 500 square-foot showroom that will open in the back of the company's Manhattan corporate headquarters.

????Consider it a modern twist on an old trend: since the birth of the web, traditional brick-and-mortar retailers have been creating digital storefronts. Web sales of apparel and accessories, in particular, are growing far faster than any other e-commerce product category and are expected to reach $40.9 billion in 2012, up from $40.9 billion in 2011, according to eMarketer. But until recently, digital retailers rarely took to the streets. (When's the last time you drove down to your local Amazon (AMZN) to pick up a skirt?)

????Now that's changing as a new crop of entrepreneurs are developing digital brands that migrate to physical locations. They know that the online opportunity may be big, but it is still dwarfed by more traditional shopping experiences; 80% of transactions still occur offline after all.

????Thus trendy glasses-maker Warby Parker recently opened a SoHo showroom, and the company has retrofitted a school bus to be a pop-up store-on-the-go that will travel to nine cities over the next six months. It has also launched showrooms within existing retail spaces in nine US cities including Los Angeles, Chicago, and Philadelphia.

????Another example: Last fall Bonobos, an Internet fashion brand that peddles trendy pants to affluent men, opened a storefront it called "Guideshop" in the company's Chelsea headquarters. In April, the company took a $16.4 million investment led by Nordstrom's (JWN) (along with Accel Partners and Lightspeed Venture Partners) and struck a deal with the retailer to sell its clothes in more than 69 physical stores. A year later, Bonobos has "Guideshop" boutiques in Boston and Palo Alto and a Chicago store will open October 15.

????It's a strategy that makes sense, says Forrester (FORR) analyst Sucharita Mulpuru, because real estate is relatively cheap right now and online retailers have drastically reduced the price of inventory. (Many still mail the inventory online after customers have reviewed the products in the store.) "They're small bets," Mulpuru adds. "If it ends up being successful they can extend it to other places as well."

????That's the model BaubleBar hopes to follow. Founders Daniella Yacobovsky and Amy Jain, both 30, developed the idea for the jewelry company, which sells necklaces, earrings and bracelets for an average between $20 and $120, a few years ago when they were classmates in their second year of Harvard Business School. They noticed most shoppers had no brand affiliation with jewelers the way they might with clothing, say, or shoes. Thus department stores competed on margins, not volume: they bought from many smaller designers without care-taking relationships and then marked the jewelry way up.

????After meeting with hundreds of designers, Yacobovsky and Jain turned to the Internet to cut out the middlemen, bringing prices down for consumers while at the same time paying designers more. They launched officially in January 2011 after issuing BaubleBar invitations to friends, and have grown mostly by word-of-mouth. With $5.6 million in funding, the company, which adds roughly 100 new products to the site every week, is also able to move very fast -- a classic Internet advantage -- and to localize products.

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